Page eight - Rule 6-2, ll and 12. Slight changes have been made in these rules which deal with timing and scoring in an attempt to eliminate some of the irregularities which have been common in connection with these important matters. Comments by the Games Ad- ministration Committee will emphasize a trond towad the use of a checker or super- visor who will be primarily responsible for these matters and who will be assisted by one Official Timer and one Official Scorer. Rule 7. Several changes in wrding and errangement will be made in an attempt to modernize this rule. The Editors are authorized to provide for consistent rules relative to casos where the ball touches or is tcuched by a player who is on or out- sidea boundary line. An attempt will be made to place the responsibility for causing the ball to go cut of bounds on the player who is himself out of bounds be- ‘x. touching the ball. Rule 8-1. In high schovl or junior high school gamos, an automatic time-out is to be declared in the middle of the seccnd and fourth quarter, provided neither team has taken a cha rged time-out during the first four minutes of these quarters. This official's time-out is to be of two minutes duraticn. Rule 9-3. When a high school game ends inatie, one overtime poriod of three min- utes duration will always be played. Thereafter the sudden death method of breaking a tie will be used. Rule 9-4 and 5. When a game is forfeited, the score at the time of forfeitwe will be considered the official score in cases where it would be tc the disadvantage of the offended team to have the score declared 2-0. Rule 10-1-Note to Officials. When the ball is awarded to a team out of bounds from its front court, the Official must have actual possession of the ball and then hand it to the proper player. Rule 13-1 and 2. These sections will be brought upto date and a definite procedure for the Official when a foul is called will be prescribed. Also the rule relative to who shall make the free throw will be made consistent in cases where an injured player is to lesve the game, or a player is illegally in the game, or a player is disqualified on the play. In such cases, the substitute will be expected to attempt the free throw. Rule 14-2. If a free thrower who is attempting a throw for a technical foul steps over the line too soon, the point shall not be counted and whether the throw is successful or unsuccessful, the ball will be awarded to the free thrower's team out of bounds at mid-court. Rule 14-11. This section will be rewritten to include the provision relative to tk use of the restraining circles during jumps and the interpretation of the rule will be to the effect that 2. player may not jump through the cylinder above the circle before the ball has been tapped by a jumper. Rule 15-12. In Penalty (2) © new question and answer or an addition to the Rule Comments will give mre specific information as to what constitutes a "foul from be- hind", In penalty (b) the provision for the extra free throw for a deliberate foul will be further emphasized.