Page ten - Additional Action on Rule Maiiff ations On the sheet marked "Possible Improvements in Wording, etc." the following action was taken: The Committee rejected the suggestions which bear the following referonce numbers; Page 2 (Diagram), 4-1, 2nd paragraph of 5-3, last sentence of 5-3, secom paragraph of 6-12, 13-6 and 14-10-Note. In all other cases the Editor and Sooretary were authorized to make the needed changes. In a few cases the suggestions were author- i,ed in a modified form. These modifications are as follows; &-3. In this section “approve"’ is to replace “announce”. (This item was not in- cluded on the mimeographed sheet.) 6-ll. The second paragraph is to be slightly modified to read: “And it should not be blown for substitutions after tle ball has been placed at the disposal of the free thrower." 6-12. The seccnd question is to be omitted. The matter is to be taken care of by inserting "and its operator" at the end of the second sentence of Rule 6-2. The fourth paragraph of the suggestions under 6-12 was definitely approved by Gommittee action. 9-4 and 5. A question and answer in the rule book or the play situations book is to “make it clear that in the case of a forfeited game the scoring records are to be counted. 15-12-Penalty (a). An attempt is to be mde to emphasize three factors in connect- ion with the foul against the shooter, i.o., the act of teing roughly handled, committing a deliberate act and committing a foul from directly behind the shooter.