: April 18, 1940 To Members of Executive Committee National Sasketball Committee: Messrs. Floyd A. Rowe \ z, Cy Allen | He Jamison Swarts Oswald Tower Je We St. Clair Gentlemen ; This letter is written to insure a definite understanding relative to the dimen- sions of the smaller backboard which was legalized at the last meting. I am sure there is no question about the general size and shape of the board but we ought to have a definite understending about some of the minor details. I do not desire to assume unwarranted authority in this matter, but it is essential that schools and manufacturers have definite information relative to detailed . dimensions. I have already had many inquiries from sehools and from manu- facturers. ; Here are the dimensions as I understand the wishes of the Committee. These have been checked with experimental boards which were in use the past season + and, as far as I know, they are such as to facilitate ease of manufacture and maximum usability. If there is any question in your mind about any one of these dimensions, I wish you would let me have it by return mail. If I do not hear from you, I shall assume that these are the sanctioned dimensions. l. The over-all width is 54 inches. The sides are to be straight lines per- pendicular to the floor. The lower corners are on & level with the ring. The top is the are of a circle with a radius of 29 inches and with a center three inches above the level of the ring. The board is to extend three inches below the level of the ring at the extreme outside edges of the ring. The part behind the ring isto b e cut out to as near eighteen inches in width as it can be mde and still leave a reguler curve to avoid any sharp corners on the lower edge of the board. Th@ wkti-mels- straight edges at the sides of the board, approx- imtely 13 3/4 inches in length. All corners and edges are to be slightly rounded. : ‘This is the board which was sanctioned by mail vote of the Committee for experimental purposes after the 1939 meeting. Unless I receive suggestions to the contrary, I will have blue prints made up along these lines end supply each member of the Committee. Yours truly, WU heolev Secretary aWe/i