Se The group above 90% consisted of 13 playerss the two highost in this group were forwards. Three centers and cight guards composed the remaindér of the liste The next group consisted of 22 players, four of whom were centers, seven were guards, and eleven were forvardse The group below 80% contained eleven players, three centers, four forwards and four guardse It should be pointed out that out of the high cight players from the standpoint of playing officiency, four of these players belong to School D, and that the players ranked one and two in evaluation points carned per minute also were from the some toam. Also, it should be noted that two players of School D were ranked among those that were listed with zero ball handling crrorse On the basis of the data presented in Table V it would be intcresting to sclect an all-opposition team, Sumary and Conclusion. Research of this type depends to a great extent upon the accuracy of the observerse Realizing this, the observers were very carcfully solected from student majors and other intcrested studentse Tho same observers were usod in all the games and there is every roason to believe that the results are very nearly correcte It is the opinion of the writers that this study has merit because: 1. It points out mistakes made during a game, thus causing the players to be more conscious of there 2e It stresses the importance of game fundanentalse Se It provides an itemized history of the contest, 4. It makes possible a more accurate means of comparing individuals ond teams.e