THE UNIVERSITY O* KANSAS Lawrence February 2C, 1940 Dear Coach; I am enclosing herewith the aaruvas questionnaire of the National Basketbali Committee of the United States and Canada. If properly used these questionnaires can be an educative medium of some values We should regard them as more than a means of securing senti-~ ment on various phases of the rules. They should serve as a means of checking up on experimental work which has been promoted through the season, & means of enabling basketball leaders of the country to ex- press opinions and thus have a voice in final legislation, and as an incentive for the holding of discussion groups in connection with the final tournaments or similar events in the colleges. Will you kindly give these questions your very careful thought and consideratioh? Only signed questionnaires will be included in the report sent to the secretary of the Committee. I would apprec- late it if you will return your questionnaire to me not later than March lst, so that I may have oppertumity to prepare my summary and report for Mre He Ve Porter, secretary of the Committee, Thanking you for your cooperation, I am Sinceyely yours, f ‘ \ % 4 pe F ‘ 2 oe ee > ; \ €- c-¢€a} i 4 (eee oe A oS hairman, Fifth Di ee = ~~"National Basketball Commit}ée. - see OO eer a —— oe