To Mexbers, National Basketball] Committee; The basketball questi onmaires are now being printed and a supply will be sent to each committee member in the mxt couple of days. I¢ properly used, these questianmaires oan be an educative medium of some value. We should regard them as more then a means of securing sentiment om various phases of the rules. They should serve as a means of checking up on experinental work which has been promoted through the season, a means of enabling basketball leaders of the cowmtry to express opinions and thus have a voice in final legislation, and as an incentive fa the holding of discussion groups in connecti with the final tourmpents or similar events in the colleges, Y,¥,C.Ae's and other organizations. The distribution and actual use to which they will be put depends upon the activity of each member of the committee. They will be distributed only through committee members and through state high school executive officers. In ader that there will not be too mch overlapping, I suggest that a plan some-— what similar to that followed last year be in effect. In brief this is: Each College representative should mils an attempt te seoure distribution among the colleges in his N,C,A.“. distriet; Eech Yel, CoA. representative will take care of the Y.M,C.a, and similar organiza- tions in his section of the coumtry; Tae Cenadien representatives will secure distribution in their own groups; and The hi gh school representatives will take care of distribution among the high schools in the group of states outlined in the map which is being supplied | those representatives. If these questionnaires are to be of maximum use, the returns to any given member will be inspeeted by him to give him an inkling of sentiment in his territory. He should summeri ze results, imoluding o anmemts, and then send the summary of the filled questionnaires (preferably both) to the Seoretary so that a complete recapi- tulation may be made ready for each member at the annual meeting. zation and haste are essential. Returns must be in thé office of the * not rec any vote wmless you have a signed questim- Special Note if you desire to mv» any special topic included in the agenda far the smual Meeting, send it along. There will be provision for general disoussicn but it is best if most of ths topics to be discuss ed are listed and organized. ML Hvp/J