Febrmary 17, 19406. ‘M's He Ve Porter, 1l Soe LaSalle Stay Chicago, Tllinoise Dear He Ves As soon as the questiomaire arrives we will mil i out to all of the basketball coaches in this district. Thiskas been our usunl procedures | I wondering what distribution is made to the officialas. I think the officials should hve une of these questiommirve so thoy could offer their suggestions. I am endeavoring to have tho National College Basket~ ball Officials Association meet in Kansas City at the time of the Rules mestinge Of course, the hich federation is handled in its om organization by the various state exesutive secretaries. In the cast they have the Basketball officials Assosiation, and we are endeavoring to hnve them meet in Kansas City this springs ‘They have en organization in this district, } them assemble so their recomendations could come into the Rules Body the same as it was handled in the a FOAAH Chairmen, Sth District, NeCeAcile