Se In order to compare averages of the four noneconference home games and the five confcrence home games, the data are presented in outline for, | TABLE IIe Four Non=Conferenee Games and Five Conference Games: le Score: mnoneconfcrence average, 42 points conference average, 4362 points 2e Goals; noneconference average shots attempted, 68.75; average made, 1675; %24 a4 conference gverage shots attompted, 55,48; average made, 16043 %29e04 3e Free throws: noneconference average shots attempted, 1403 average made, 8e53%6067 conference average shots attempted, 17.63 avorage made, 10043 75949 4, Personal fouls: non-conference average, 1005 conference average, 10.6 5, Offensive personal fouls: nonsconfcrence average, 25 conferenee average, lee 6 Violations; non-conference average, 3 conference average, 4e2 7e Rebounds from own backboard: non-conference average, 22.8 conference average, 2006 8. Rebounds from opponont ts backboard: noneeonferonee average, 1920 conference average, 25.0 9. Masses and good entches: nonetonforonce passcs, 374,75; entshes, 366 ! conferonec passes, 550.63 oatehes, S3le4 10. Wild passes: noneconforenca, 86; out of howids, 2e75; to on opponent, 5,73 eonferonce, 608; out of bounds, 2,6; to an opponent, 402 ll. Hold balls obtained by oppononts: noneconforente, 2 conferences, 4 12. Fumbles: noneconferonse, 625; out of bounds, 50253; obtained by oppenent, 5 confercnec, 6.0; out of bounds, 3,0; obtained by opponent, ‘3 13~ Tapped ball out of bounds; noneconfercnec, 1625. oe nee conferonec, Let 44. Tapped and rcecovored own jump ball: noneeonfcronec, -5 tines conference, no times 15. Reeovers toammato's jump ball; nonweonferenee, 13,75 conference, Se4 16. Assiste: noneconference, 25625; inmediate, 13,5; sccondary, lls?S conforyengs, 23.0; immediate, 12.63 sceohdary, 10.4