le In the 1938=39 study the cvaluation teehnique has been extended to in- elude a defensive rating systema for both the team and the individual player. The itoms and their ovaluation weights, as used in this study, arc show in Table Te Data were collected during all the hone games on both the Kansas team and the visiting tcams. The teehnique used in the collection of these data is the same as described in the first evaluation studye In the 1937-38 scason nine home games were played, and this season eight hone games were played, thus making a total of 17 games on which averages of certain activities were available, These averages are shown in Table III. The 17-game averages seem to be reliable as there wos no groat variation in the figures computed for the two scasonse The team this yoar took more shots than did last season's team, but averaged one less goal per game. The number of free throws awarded in both scasons was practicall y identical, but the number made was slightly reduced this seasone : This year the total number of positive offensive evaluation points is lower than last ycar's total, This is due to two roasons, First, there ws a change in the technique of tabulating immediate assists, In last year's study credit was given the players for both passes and catches, which gave them double credit in evaluation pointse In this year's study a player receives evaluation points only onccse The second reason for the lower total is that the recovery of rebounds off the opponent's backboard was computed with the defensive play instead of offensive play, as was the case in last yoar's studye The drop in negative offensive evaluation points indicates that the team made fewer mistakes during this season than last season. It is possible that the team summary posted in the team dressing room the day following each game made the individual playors more conscious of their mistakes with the end result that fewer wore madee The defensive evaluation points as shown in Table I do not accumulate as rapidly as do the offensive points. Howover, this is not true of the negative defensive points. During the season the negative defonsive points were accumulated almost exactly twice as fast as were the negative offcnsive pointse The ponalty for fouling should be high because if a player committed a foul he immediately gave the opponents a chance to make 5 or 10 positive offensive points, In games where 0 player was forced out by fouls his total negative points excceded his positive points e The team summaries (sec Table IV) were made from the data gathered during the last haac scasone Kansas did not lose a heme contest this season and lost only one last season. Because no data were available on the opposition at the time of the loss it is not possible to show the effect of losing a game on the statistics gathered. Due to its style of play, Kansas does more passing thon nost teams. This is woll shown wider total passes and catchos, Table III. Even ina loss it is possible Kansas would show a highor evaluation point total due to the factor just mentionede It would be intercsting to collect data for games played away from home. However, this has been considered impractical to datee Included in the tean swmary, Table III, a new term (defensive cffi- ciency) is listed. This term is the result of the formula: total positive defensive evaluation points sum of positive and negative defensive points