‘February 16, 1946 _ . | Mr, James EE, Briley 2012 East 15th Place Tulsa, Oklahoma Dear lir. Briley: ; Thank you for your kind letter congratulating us on our basketball | effort this season. Yes, the fact that Jim played only a short time would count \ one year of eligibility. Even one game would count the same as four or twenty. This is our conference rule. However, they are giving the boys four years of competition and Jim would still have three years left, which is the normal allowance in past times. So should Jim eare to return to the university, he will still have three years of competition, which would permit him to play all (of his years before graduation. I am ue ldine you, and alee Jim, the 18th edition of our Jayhawk Rebound, which is the last one that we wrote after the war finished. I am hoping to write another rebound to the boys still in the norviee, but I may now wait until after basketball season is over. : 6 We are coming on pretty well but we stil) have our troubles, as do all people. Our team is not as smooth as we would like it. We will have a very tough game next week at Columbia, as the Tigers have greatly improved their play with three editions of returned veterans. As you know, the Tigers defeated Iowa State at Ames last night and that is a tough assign« ment. We then play Iowa State here on February 25 and three days later play Oklahoma at Norman. It is still a tight fight, Jim did mighty well for us.and for himself while he was at the eer and I am hoping that he wilt be able to enroll next year With all good wishes to you pe yours, T am Sincerely, se “Director of Physical Education, — Varsity Basketball Coach.