National Basketball Committ ee The following is a brief summary of the principal changes in the basketball rules for next season, Only a few of these summaries have been prepared and therefore they cannot be supplied in quantities. An oarly edition of the official Tules will be available about June 15. Copies may be ordered from H. V. Porter, 11 South TaSalle Street, Chicago, Ill. We expect to have the regular edition of the Basketball Guide ready for distribution earlier this year than in the past. 1. The distance from face of backboard to end line has been made four feet, with proper @liowance on courts. where _ this distance is impossible, The maximum end ideal cours length for college teams is 94 feet, with distance between faces of backboards 86 feet. 2, After a free throw resulting from a technical foul, whether madé or missed, the team having the free throw is to be awarded the ball out of bounds at mid-—court. “hen a personal foul is called, the captain of the offended team may waive the free throw end elect to have the ball put in play from out of bounds at mid-court by any player of his team. lm , case of & multiple throw this applies to the last free throw only. It does not apply to ea double foul. 3. Ifa player in the act of shooting is fowled from behind, or roughly handled from any position, two free throws are to be awarded whether the field goal is made or missed. 4, Any play er of a team may ask for time out, that is, this privilege is no longer limited to the captain. 5. In games which go into overtime periods, each team is ensitled to an additional time-out for euch overtime period, 6. The words " or backboard " are to be deleted from mule 14,fe¢ 2, There will be numerous changes in wording which will heve Little effect on the meaning of the sections involved, Prepared for the National Besketbali Committee by memees. coe | Editor . Andover, Massachusetts, May 8, 1939.