PRESIDENT Maurice V. Murphy, ’20 Hope Valley, R. I. VICE-PRESIDENT Rudolph H. Kohlberg, ’20 Auburn, R. I. nai ad a a al a la ills itl adc R. 1. Rams Club, Ine. TREASURER William J. Whelan, ’11 Kingston, R. I. SECRETARY William G. Mokray, ’29 Kingston, R. I. Kingston, R. I. March 14, 1939 Mr. Oswald Tower, Editor "Basketball Guide Andover, Mass, My dear Mr. Tower; Enclosed please find a resume of the 1938-1939 New England Conference basketball racq, which you might find interesting for next winter's basketball guide. Wo doubt, you will have to cut the long list of insignificant scorers, as you did for the current Guide, While writing this letter, I thought I might impose upon your time and ruminate upon scor- ing in hopes of convincing you that some action ought to be taken at the forthcoming basketball convention So that basketball box scores could be standardized and made to mean something, If you would permit, I'll digress and bring up baseball. Almost everywhere in the United States the box score is the Same, there being a regular pro- ceedure in listing the players according to their batting positions and pursuing the AB, R, H, PO, A, and Fina uniform fashion, with the possible exception of the errors, which, because of lack of space, especially when the column is divided into halves, are listed directiy beneath, : As a contrast, basketball offers a less complete and, certainly, a more diversified appear- ing box score, The current box score is decidedly "offen- Sive," in that it lists largely the statistics on those who scored or failed to score, Then, a variety of forms of box scores are located throughout the nation. While the majority use the tabulated type, there are ever so many that only list the DORE Reek bens presumably with the idea of saving space, list’ the fouls and goals, which tends to make the entire thing ambiguous or cumbersome to read, some newspapers list a player's name . . as often as he changes from one position to another, so, if a man plays guard, center and forward, or, even changes from one guard position to another, his name appears more than once. ea