691 The Alameda, Berkeley 7, Cale January 30, 1946 Dear Dr. Allen, I want to thank you for your letter of January 7 regarding my request of Corporal Charles Loar's address. I have written Norma Jean Falconer in Kansas City thinking she might have more informatione You took Oklahoma and Iowa State in fine style recently even if it did take over time periods and good work on K State last night The papers here don't publish con-= ference standings except for the Pacific Coast Conference, so it is hard to follow what the Big Six is doing. We do get the individual game scores thoughe I've seen California play four games: this yeare Last week they had a good game against Santa Clara, but they are pikers in comparison to your cagerSe Next week they play Southern California=- the champsrfirémvthat areae Om New Years I saw the East-West Game in San Francisco and it was one of the finest football games I have ever seene The Shrine parade was most colorful and impressivee This Friday:the Chancellor and Fred Ellsworth will be at the Paleee Hotel for dinner with local alumni- the first alumni meeting since 1942. Dad, mother, my brother- Karl-, and I are goings I understand from Fred Ellsworth that they are going to organize for the Memorial Drive solicitations. Good luck with the Jayhawkers for the remainder of the seasone. Yours ee