TELEPHONE 2-6423 Mr, Clyde Bakor, Ticket Manager, Municipal Auditorium 1310 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City 6, Wissourt. Dear Vr, Paber: Enclosed is my check for $6,00 for two tickets for the Ke Us game next Monday night in accordance with the letter of the 9th instant written you by our mitual friend Phog Allen, Please leave these slakete for me at the caneae City Club and I will pick them up about six otelock Monday evenings : a. wrote me that you would get me two of your best seats I assure you I will be grateful, If it will be more convenient for you ‘to have me pick them up at some other place than the Kansas City Club, please do not hesitate to so inform me, I will appreciate your et this letter so i will know what to count on, ae you and with best wishes, I am Sincerely, nks terribly. Will seeyou Monday night. o the ~~ and —