. } ICE PLANT. OFFICE 710 EAST FOURTH ST. 65 TONS te CAPACITY TELEPHONE 51 ; GLENN ICE AND FUEL COMPANY BEARDSTOWN, ILLINOIS March 27, 1940 MANUFACTURED ICE Dr. Forrest C. Allen sistas Varsity Basketbell Coach University of Kansas Lewrence, Kenses FRANKLIN COUNTY AND Deer Dr. Allens SPRINGFIELD de Since leaving Kansas City on Monday morning I have contect- COAL ed a number of reliable sources by phone and wire relative to the tyve of team the University of Indiane has this year. eile From the generel concensus of opinion regarding the Hoosier Five can be condensed in the following veragranhs. GASOLINE The Indiana offense is of the fast break tyne using crazy FUEL OIL one-handed shots from any place on the floor while going full speed, but it must be remembered that while teking DISTILLATE these off balanced shots the team follows heard on the board. Vie The teams that were successful in heating Indiana this vear cs stonvped their rebound game first then their fast breaking offense secondly. \ — Offense Set-Un AIR CONDITIONED ICE REFRIGERATORS COAL STOKERS About the only set offense that Indiane uses, and it is really not wheat one might call a set offense, Mencke breaks down first to the free throw srea and either breaks out | OIL BURNERS for 2 psss or goes to the side line for a pass before shoot- ing a right hended hook shot. Outlined below is a brief summery of the personnel of the Indians team: Du is best going around the outside and is just a fair shot from the floor but is good on driving in.