- Dr. Forrest C. Allen -2- March 27, 1940 He is 6 Ft. tall. Armstrong has rebounds as his specialty and is 6' 1''. Huffman is a good long shot and is 6! 2". Schaeffer excellent long shot and goes around the outside as does Du, he is 6 ft. Mencke has his best shot while pulling away from the basket, uses right or left hand but prefers right, he is 6' 3". Zimmer 6! 5" and just a fair ball player, can use either right or left hend but prefers right. Their other offensive set-up might be something like this. gl b-! ta _ p Sarr |. f Incidentally, achaeffer scores heavily on this type of set-unv shooting quickly over block 2s outlined below. Sometimes 9 criss-cross is used in front and then a pass in to the side with a cut around @s shown above. Branch McCracken, the coach, is a fine chap before and after the game but during the game he is revorted as being a second Piggy Lambert. A famous basketball vlayer him- self, he uses his personality to ing ire the boys to great