HOTEL MARION ALBERT PIKE HOTEL McGEHEE HOTEL VICKSBURG HOTEL LITTLE ROCK, ARK. LITTLE ROCK. ARK. LITTLE ROCK, ARK. VICKSBURG, MISS. SOUTHWEST HOTELS H. GRADY MANNING, . PRESIDENT HOTEL Wo. LEN . HOTEL MAJESTIC THE EASTMAN HOTEL MEMPHIS, TENN. HOT SPRINGS, ARK. HOT SPRINGS, ARK. i|NCORPORAT E D eC e Gity LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Executive Office MES 'Ss-O:0 RI DUDLEY C. BAKER ‘ MANAGER November Seventeenth ee Mente ectae Or RAT oy TEL OOM és 1 2 oe liacssieatiierea ets Dear Phos: With reference to your letter of November 14, regarding the use of the K.C.A.C. gymnasium for the Basket- ball Team to work out preparatory to their playing in the Auditorium, wish to advise that I talked the matter over with Mr. C. H. Walker, Secreta of the Club, and he advised me that this would be satisfactory at any time when the gymnasium was not in use for the gymnasium classes, which is usually at noon and around 5 p.m. I am sure they will have no trouble in arranging for a few minutes work out for the teamswhenever needed. Yours Very truly HOTEL SONTINENTAL. hee HO args ROBIN McGEORGE oe Assistant Manager lr, Fs C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas rmcL/8