Mareh By 1980. tte F Le Sohiagle, Superintendent of of Schools, Tenses City, Km ease cour Superintendent Selilegles . Trough Mire Tan Van Cleave I have learned of the availability of the Vyandette School bend for our mr Rh ES Phexiedpal _I lave written Frinsiya) Telenor telling hin a ow vory slmcere desire es ie en See ae vweurt to assure Get we will qwatiy aporesiate it as tte en eo we en ad dine be inppy te give the boye a good neal, and eee tear eatk have a very enjoyable tine I will be glad to you with tickets for this game - and any of your who desire to atten! - If you vill so advioe mes With best wishes, I en