March 19, 1942 Mre Eugene Zachman Uanager Municipal Audi toriun , Kansas City, Missourd : | Tear Genes I do not want you to think that I am a chiseler because I have the greatest contenpt for a person of the chiseler typee However, some of my Varsity boys, who lack the necessary wheree Witheall to see a basketball game, wanted to see some of the Ne Ce je Le teams in actione They cannot get the idea out of their heads that I do not have anything to do with the Tourmament this years last year we gave then floor seats, both the Varsity and the Freshmen, and these Freshmen have eae up as Varsity men, and our Freshmen now hear so much discussion of this Tournament that sone of them have asked me to get them a tickets They do not understand why I cannote — Ok | I would not think for a moment of asking for reservations, but I am wondering if it would be possible to get some floor seats for which there is no charges I will call you sometine Thursday morning and ascertain what the chances ere, and of course, I will see you !riday nights : oe , | fam coaching Varsity Baseball and do not have an opportunity to get away early, so I will not get into Kansas City much before Friday night*s game starts, but I will look you up between games and say helloe However, I will give you a ring sometime Thursday morning and see if you ean make this arrangenent for sane of our boyse : last night I spoke at Ottawa, Kansas before the Board of Bducation and Teacher organization banquet there, and of course, I did not get to see Creighton beat Iowa States. However, I do not believe that the outcome of this game will have much affect on your fine attendance on Friday and Saturdaye I imow that you will have a great crowd and I will be there boosting for another fine turnoute I am sure Kansas City is the best sports town in the Nation and if given half a break they will prove ite ee : Remember my promise aleays, if there is anything that I can do to cooperate with you 100% all that is necessary is to call upon mee : Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FAsle -—s« Warsity Basketball and Baseball Coach