- H. R. STEPHENSON, PRES. R. R. ASBURY, SECY. & TREAS. R. D. SELLERS, Vv. PRES. SOUTHERN BLEACHERY AND PRINT WORKS ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Taylors, South Carolina February 3, i941. Dr. F. C. (Phog) Allen, Director of Western & National Tournament, University of Kensas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: I hereby enter my application with you to consider me for position as Tournament official in the 1941 National Collegiate Athletic Association Basketball Tournament. I shall state the following references so this will enable you to judge my experience: SCHOOL ATTENDED; Appalachian State Teachers College. BASKETBALL OFFICLATING: Lincoln Memorial University - Coach Floyd Bowling. University of Tennessee - Coach John Mauer. Milligan College - Coach Clement Eyler. Furman University - Coach Bob Snith. Southern Textile Basketball Tournament, Greenville, S. C. - President Horace C. Whitmire, Box 365. Appalachian State High School Tournament - i. & Garbee, President, Bonne, N. C. Southeastern Industrial Basketball Tournament, Spartanburg, 5. G - L. K. Corbin, Director, Drayton, S- U. Sincerely trusting my application will be thoroughly considered and that I shall hear from you in the near future, I remain Yours very truly, SOUTHERN BLEACHERY & PRINT WORKS ATHLETIC ASSOCLATION, Q. W. Robinson, Athletic Director. OWR, Pp