AUTAON HOTELS Hotel Eldridge Hotel State a PN Lawrence,Kansas ater Kansas City, Mo. Hotel Broadview ‘Pb *S22! Sy Robert E. Lee Hotel Wichita, Kansas REO EL Kansas City, Mo. W.G-HUTSON, Pres. R.C.MSCORMICK. Secy,TREAS. January 21, 1941 Dr. F.. ©. AION Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Before very long Kansas City will be entertaining the pasketball championship games again. As you are in charge of this competition, we are wondering if it is too early a daté to contact you relative to a list of the teams which intend to participate in this tourna- ment. Quite frankly, we are desirous of contacting the var- ious coaches to try and induce them to stay at the Robert E. Lee or State Hotel while their team is play- ing here. Any information or help you may be able to give us will be deeply appreciated by both Mr. Hutson and myself.