WESTERN UNION PRESS MESSAGE Ce ne og i eg te athhne py tb se ogy EE a ee ae ee ne ea eee CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD = # § ©. © 4. FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT ; April 5, :1940. When I wrote you : i failed to send @leng the names of the four ls who are to receive weatohess Their names are as follows: Ted O'Sullivan Gilbert McDonald ‘Emest Ce Quigley Sineerely yours, ; - Director of Physical pducetion and Recreation, FOASAT ‘Varsity Basketball Coache April 4, 1940. Branch McCracken Basketball Coach Indiana University Bloomington, Inde To expedite matters please rush names for engraving on watches km direct to Dix Edwards,-1115 Walnut, Kansas City, Moe, instead of to Quigleye FCA April 4, 1940. Me Re Dix Edwards, : Edwards, Ludwig, Fuller Jewelry Canpany, Here are the names to be engraved on the watches: Bob Allen Don Ebling Howard Dick Harp Bill Hogben Te Pe Hunter Bob Johnson John Kline Ralph Miller Jack Sands Bruce Yoran. Marl Pallbenstien John Clem Dre Pe Ce Allen ‘I hve séred Beamsh MoCrashen this afternoon asking hin to send his names tirect to you. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coache EDWARDS-LUDWIG-FULLER JEWELRY COMPANY’ WHOLESALE JEWELERS, Prone fowikte wet mune. 111 WALNUT STREET TELEPHONE NOBLE R.FULLER, SECY.& TREAS, Victor 7330 E DWARD A, FLUHRER, ASST. SECY. KANSAS City, Mo 7 : 34 April 3, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen c/o Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: E. C. Quigley was to send to me to arrive not later than today, Wednesday, April 3, the names to be engraved on the tabs to be attached to the watches provided for the NCAA Basketball Champion- ships, and the addresses to which these watches were to be shipped. We have not received that list. Will you please check this matter and get for mé:the names and the address. to which each watch is to be sent? I had hoped that we would be able to ship these watches by not later than Saturday, April 6, but the engraving of 56 names and the attaching of these tabs to 56 watches is quite a job and the fact that the names are not today available may result in a delay in shipment. However, if you will supply to me the names and addresses, we will complete the work and ship the watches just as promptly as possible. I want to take this opportunity to again express to you my thanks for this business. . Very truly \|yours \ RDEdwards/JC April 6, 1940. Mite Dix Bdwards, 1115 Walnut Kansas City, “de ‘ Dear Diss _ The addresses of the four officials are as follows: Ee Ce Quigleys 1909 RCA Building, New York City Ted O'Sullivan, 918 Walnut Ste Blige, Kansas City Cilvert lMceDonmald, Freshman Basketball Coach, University of “Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Diek Barton, 520 Patterson Building, Denver, Coloe Edwards, Ludwig, Fuller Jewelry Cos, Street, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coache ‘April 8, 1940 Me Le Be Vidal, 1625 Kreneria, Denver, Colorado. Dear’ Lous I am eelosing herewith cheok for $155.07 to cover you fee and expenses oe ie and 23.6 Sincerely yours, Manager’, NeCeAehe Basketball Tournament GENERAL MOTORS ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1755 GLENARM PLACE BRANCHES PUG ee ee ee ee er THE WORLD | DENVER, COLORADO NEW YORK Jove eg ten Ly cl Pads THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE ROCHESTER, NEW YORE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION RIVER CAMPUS AND HYGIENE-COLLEGE FOR MEN April 10,1940. Dr.Forrest C.Allen. University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr.Allen: Thank you so much for forwarding the check for the basketball tournament so promptly.However there seems to have been a mistake made in the amount. Your check(#2172)was made out in the amount of 119,98,which as I re- call,was the amount of my expenses to and from the tournament,and during my stay in Kansas City,but did not include the fee for officiating the games, which I understood was to be forty dollars per game. If you will be kind enough to inspect the statement which I handed to Mr. Quigley again,I think you will find the above to be correct.Assuring you that I shall appreciate having the check for eighty dollars,at your con- veninece,and looking forward with pleastre to a visit with you in Chicago, I am with kind personal regards to Mrs.Allen and the family,and Ruth and Burt, Professor of Physical Education Encl. Head Football Coach. Second Annual es 1940 National Collegiate A. A. Bashethall Championships of America Municipal Auditorium Kansas City, Mo. Western District SEMI-FINALS March 22 - 23 Lawrence, Kansas 8:00 p.m. April 8, 1940 N.C. ACA, FINALS March 30 8:30 p.m. ADMISSION Boxes, Loges $1.68 Balcony 1,32 - Upper Balcony .40 ~« * Mre Dudley Se DeGroot, 210 Burton Hall, University of Rochester, Rochester, New Yorke GENERAL TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE H. G. Olsen, Chairman Columbus, Ohio Dr. F. C. Allen, Manager Lawrence, Kansas Dear Duds a aro I am enclosing herewith check J. W. St. Clair son §i29498 > cover your fee and expenses Dallas, Texas in connettion with the semi-finals in Kansas B. T. Grover : City on March 22 and 23.6 Athens, Ohio © a my I shall look forward to seeing . you in Chicagoe Also in Séssion --- Hotel Continental NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BASKETBALL COACHES _.. Marely 28, 29, 30 ‘ Sincerély yours, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BASKETBALL COLLEGE OFFICIALS March 29, 30 NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE OF UNITED STATES & CANADA March 30, 31, April 1 NeC Ache The World Series of Basketball Sic es Sahl pussbitaaicia ahaa, cites Sat aOR RD Fh Ss cas as abi ate tai - Lawrence, Kansas April 8, 1940 Me Dudley Se DeGroot, 210 Burton Hall, _ University of Rochester, Rochester, New Yor lts Dear Duds Tt am enclosing herewith olfesk for 119698 to cover your fee and expenses im conection with the seniefinals in Kansas City on March 22 and 25. I shall look forward to seeing you in Chicagoe af Cnaeeny yours, Manager, Ne€ ohele Basketball Tournamente Lawrenee, Kansas April 11, 1940. Mae Dudley 5, DeGroot, 210 Burton Mall, , | University of Rochester, Rochester, New a | Dear Dudley: . I am very sorry thet we failed to include ee es ae re sent to you on the 8th. The total amomt of your check | Tondits tires eins SabGsbe. tend 1 ns Santos Nevaeh an additional cheek for $80.00 to cover the fee of $40.00 per game. I trust you have not been greatly incone venienced by this oversights Very sincerely yours, Menager, NeCaAel. Basketball Tournaments THE OHIO NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY CINCINNATI, OHIO CHAS. H, KAHN, GENERAL AGENT 419 PETROLEUM BUILDING FT. WORTH, TEX. April 17, 1940 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Coach The University of Kansas lawrence, Kansas Dear Coach Allen: The letter containing check to cover my services at the N. Ce A. As tournament in Kansas City arrived from Mr. St. Clair's office yesterday. Congratulations to you on the very successful manner in which this tournament was conducted. Everywhere while I was in Kansas City could be heard nothing but praise for the fine job you did. Again, may I express my appreciation for the opportunity to serve as one of the officials and for the valuable experience thus gained. With sincere personal regards, I am Yours, Abb Curtis April 17, 1940. Thank you for your icind note of the 15th instant. Your check was mailed out several days ago, and ? Rireote of Figwigal Eduestion ant Reorention, FOASAR Varsity Saslestball Couche | THE OHIO NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY CINCINNATI, OHIO CHAS. H, KAHN, GENERAL AGENT 419 PETROLEUM BUILDING FT. WORTH, TEX. April 13, 1940 Coach Phog Allen University of Kansas Lewrence, Kansas Dear Coach Allen: My sincere thanks to you for the opportunity to officiate in the N.C.A.A. tournament in Kansas City. I learned quite a bit on the proper conduct of the game, and I'l] do my utmost to pass these things on to our other officials in this section. I've received no check to cover my expenses and fees for the games in which I served. I ama bit worried for fear that my address was incorrecte Could you look into this for me? My business address is 419 Petroleum Bldg., Fort Worth, Texas. My residence address, 1123 Alston Ave., Fort Worth, Texas. Again, my utmost thanks for the chance to see some real basketball and to work with some very fine officials. Yours, UM haunts Abb Curtis Lawrence, Kansas April 8, 1940. Hit» Abb Curtis, 0/o Je Te Ste Clair, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Toxmse ‘Deay Abbs Manager, NeCeleie Basketball Tournanente Hotel, LOUIS R. MYERS DUDLEY C. BAKER 2 Need Bane Phe heart, of —* de > oe THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS DEPARTMENT oF Puysicat EDUCATION L. W. Sr. Joun, Director April 19, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kensas Dear “Phog": I just have a note from Gilbert McDonald in which he expresses great appreciation for the watch, ete. He wonders if you have his correct address inasmuch as the watch was sent to the University of Wisconsin Gymnasium. Just in case you haven't his address it is = Gilbert McDonald, c/o Bagley, Spohn, Ross & Stevens, First Central Building, Madison, Wisconsin. He also said he left an itemized statement of his ex- penses with Quigley and would appreciate it if the check was sent to him at the address given above rather than the University gyme nasiume Kindest regards. Very sincerely yours, “ote HGO eM He G Olsen Very Sincerely yours, * FOAsAII ‘Manager, NeCeAchs Basketball Tournament. - WESTERN UNION PRESS_MESSAGE 225 1940. Lawrence, Kansas With vest wishes, I an Manager, WeCelielie Baslootiel Toumsments Lawrence, Kansas April 8, 1940. Me Ted O'Sullivan, | 918 Vals Ste Bldgs, Kansas City, Moe Dear Teds : ; I en enclosing herewith a cheok for $90—90 to cover your fee and } for the NCAA, senixfinnls on March 22 and 23 in be sent to you in a few dayte Very sincerely YOUrS, Manager, NeCsAsis Basketball Tournsment. i