NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BASKETBALL COACHES PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL - MARCH 24, 25, 1941, | CONVENTION PROGRAM MONDAY, MARCH 24 9:00 A, M, Registration 10:00-10:30 A. M, Address by the President Report of the Secretary-Treasurer Report of Standing Committees a. Editor of the Bulletin b. Membership Committee c. Banquet Committee 10:30-11:30 A. M, Keystone Room SUBJECT; Reviewing the Offenses of college teams playing in Madison Square Garden, SPEAKER; Mr, Claire Bee, Long Island Univ, Parlor 1 SUBJECT; Factors in Teaching Basketball | fundamentals - lecture and movies, | SPEAKER: Mr, Blair Gullion, Cornell Univ, Parlor 11 SUBJECT: A Glance Backward and a Look For- ward in The Game of Basketball, SPEAKER: Dave MacMillan, University of Minnesota. Parlor C SUBJECT: Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries, SPEAKER: Mr. Rolland Logan, West Point 11:30-12:30 P, M, Keystone Room SUBJECT: Reviewing the Defenses of college teams playing in Madison Square Garden. SPEAKER: Mr, Ed, Kelleher, Fordham Univ, Parlor 1 SUBJECT: Fatigue in Basketball SPEAKER: Dr, H, C. Carlson, University of Pittsburgh Parlor 11 SUBJECT: Basketball Officiating Problems Covering the entire Country SPEAKER: Mr. Dave Walsh, Associate Direc- tor, College Basketball Officials Bureau Parlor C SUBJECT: Radio's Place in Basketball. SPEAKER: Stan Lomax, Sports Commentator, Station WOR, NYC, 12:30-1:30 P, M. LUNCH 1:30-2:30 P, M. Keystone Room MOVIES, 2:30-4:30 P, M, Keystone Room SUBJECT: Discussion of Rules and Adoption of suggestions to National Committee, (pre- liminary discussion), CHAIRMAN: Mr, Don White, Connecticut Univ, 4:30-6:00 P, M, Keystone Room MOVIES 6:00-7:30 P, M, DINNER