oa 3] FINANCIAL REPORT ~ Rina, Meet Western and National NCAA Tournament Place: Municipal Auditorium, Kansas City, Moe Dates: March 22, 23, 30, 1940 INCOME Number Amount Total Ticket Sales(less Federal & State Tax) 234303 $22,228.65 Federal Tax collected Entry Fees Program Receipts (including advertising) 840290 Other Income (specify) Totals $23,069.55 EXPENDITURES Sas Total Ie Promotion Expense le Entry blanks & preliminary announcements 2e Publicity folders and posters $279.91 Se Other advertising 623290 4. Postage 1280 5e Clerical expense 526 97 6e Committee Meetings 105.75 (a) Expenses of speakers on radio, luncheons, etce 82035 7e Bands s 190.70 IIe Ticket and Administrative Expense le Printing Tickets ée Commission to ticket agencies Se Ticket sellers & clerical help 241.00 4. Bank charges (exchange, etc.)