WESTERN UNION Stillwater, Oklahoma Dre Fe Ce. Allen, Lawrence, Kansase The following action was taken by our Athletic Council this morninge "It is moved, in view of the fact that no definite date has been set for the play-off in the Fifth District of the N.C.A.A. Basketball Tournament and, furthermore, since March 18 is an open date for all possible competing teams, as well as the auditorium in Oklahom City, that we accept the invitation of the Metropolitan Intercollegiate Basketball Committee to participate in the national basketball invitetion tournament in Madison Square Garden on March 11-15 and return to compete in the N.C.A.A. tournament." It must be understood from this action that we are most desirous to continue our support of the N.C.AsAe and to play in the N.C.AA. tournament which this plan of dates makes possible.e Athletic Council, Oklahoma Ae & Me College. Lawrence, Kansas March 5s 2 9406 Athletic Council, Oklahoma Ae & Me College, Stillwater, Okla. The tournament date will be either March 15 or 16. That has been stated a number of times and it is final as far as I am concernede If you desire to have your team play in New York that is perfectly agreeable with més Forrest Co Allen Chairman, 5th District. Lewrence, Kansas March 5, 1940. Athletic Council, Oklahom. Ae & Me College, Stillwater, Okla. In case of three-way tie in Big Six those games will be played early week of llthe If your team can return to play in Oklahoma City on 16th our Big Six winner will meet you thene No games will be played latere If you choose to pass up district play= off then three Big Six teams will play Oklahoma City March 1516 and the winner will be declered the Fifth District representative. Forrest 6. Kllen, Chairman, 5th District, NeCeAske Western Union March 6, 1940.6 George Edwards, Unive of Missouri, Columbia, Moe Oklahoma Aggies entering New York tournament but returning for March 16th play-off Oklahoma Citye Dre King, McBride and I - feel -shee in the event Kansas loses to Oklahoma and precipitates ‘three-way tie that Big Six play-off should be held at Wichita, Kansas, Forum, March 11 and 12, the winner to Py. Oklahome. Aggies sbi l6the Our district committee meeting for Big Six drawing Kansas City Saturday morninge Wire your reactione Forrest C. Allen, Chairman, Bth District, NeCeAcA. Che University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS March 18, 1940. Dear Mr. Levitt: The expenses of the University of Oklahoma basketball team at the play-off in Wichita March 11 and 12 are $199.09. We would appreciate your sending a complete statement of re- ceipts and expenses. Siness Vahager. UN TV-E RS LEY -OF MASS OUR! COLUMBIA INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS March 14, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I am enclosing herewith copy of George's expense account to Wichita. Sincerely yours, eye) Executive Secretary VLSpurling/nh . “ ORIGINAL ravel Expense Account a THE STATE of MISSOURI (University of Missouri) = Dept. George 2, Rdwards (Make check able + To : a 2 Dr. | INTERCOL. ATHLETICS 3/10 3/12 eslie Cowan, Secy) : Travel expense from to ,193 4 incurred on fund BASKETBALL su Wichita, Kansas for the purpose of ieeiaion of playing in tournament March 11, 1940 File receipts with this account for all expenditures over $1.00. *Detail items in columns starred. Break- |Lodg- | Pull- R. R. D F g: ay rom To fast SupPer i 3/10| Columbia Wichita % [1'73 Ts «0 3 : 3 Columbia |5.61/11.2 Men on trip: ert, Tison,| Wa Lobsiger, |Nash Coach * Railroad fare for %* Luggage checking Total , do solemnly swear “or affirm” the above claim is correct and just, s necessary to the public business of the state, that payment was made I detec that no part of the same has been paid, that the expense wa \ ‘ J therefor, and I have not received and will not receive from any source out of personal funds and that I have not been reimbursed whatever any payment or any part thereof except as provided by law. Date , 193 Approved SIGNED ._ Chairman of Department Approved -.. Dean or Director TITLE : Approved || Approved Extensions and Footings Correct Auditor ; Ledger Posted CLASSIFICATION Date Paid Executive Board AMHERST Grorce L. TREADWELL BROWN Howarp K. JAcKson CHICAGO Roy KwnipscHILp COLUMBIA Cot. Joun B. REYNOLDS CORNELL Matucoum D. Vat DARTMOUTH NATHANIEL LEVERONE ILLINOIS Howarp Hare INDIANA GrorcE B. Correy IOWA GeorcE L. Grimm MICHIGAN HERBERT STEGER MICHIGAN STATE FLoyp Bunt MINNESOTA Eucene Lysen MISSOURI Leo M. Arms NEBRASKA Merritt A. RUSSELL NORTHWESTERN H. L. WeEssiinc NOTRE DAME Tom Donovan OHIO STATE James C. HANDLEY PITTSBURGH Art SPALDING PURDUE R. H. Watson WASHINGTON Dr. ALFRED A. STRAUSS WISCONSIN LoweLL LEONARD YALE R. B. UMBERGER HOTEL SHERMAN Phone CENtral 2891 ALUMNI Whiting TELS cuneens CHICAGO A of LAWRENCE MINISTERIAL ALLIANCE | LAWRENCE, KANSAS April 3, 1940 Dr. F. C. Allen Manager, NeC.A.A. Basketball Tournament University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dre Allen: Your letter to the Reve T. He Aszman relative to the necessity of scheduling the recent basketball tournament on Good Friday has been received, At the gegular meeting of the Lawrence Ministerial Alliance on April 2nd the secretary read this let- ter to the members in session, Your declaration received a kindly hearing. Many of us know you and we all respect you. We are glad that along with your marked professional skill as a coach there is always the mark of fine quality in your personel relationships with the members of your squads and all others with whom you work, We thank you for your kind cooperation in so many ways and welcome opportunities of being helpful to you. Cordially yours, Howard E. Koelb, Sec. , T. He Aszman, president He Ee Koelb, secretary Dr. Forrest C,. Allen University of Sensas Lawrence, “Lansas Dear Phog? Your wire received this morning. Keplying to it, wish to say that ay study of your game reveals the following. In the first half, Kansas had possession of the ball for 11 min, | 26 sec. In the second half, they had possession of the ball 10 min. 20 see. 3 In the first half, Eansas shot seven of ten fouls attempted, In the second helf, Kansas shot five of twelve attempted. This, ef course, isn't a true picture of what happened to the fouls in the second half, beeause frequently Kansas took the ball out of bounds rather than attempting the shot. Had Kansas atteupted all the shots, there would have been fifteen attempts, since Kansas was awarded two shots on two fouls in the second, : a half plus an added technical. Kanses fouled Indiana but twice , 4 in the second half and both fouls were made, — y remark to you that percentage basketball failed was on the basis that Kansas was making a hicher percentage of its fouls and making fewer fouls, and controlling the ball for more than half the time, ; In games studied prior to this, when those things occurred = namely, one team controls the bell for more than half the tine, shoots a higher percentage of fouls attempted than ite opponents, —— fewer fouls than its opponents - thet team won the ba Gamee ily chart shows that in the second half, of the twelve called fouls on Indiana, five were somaitted in the Kansas half of the floor. In other words, they were playing tremendously age sressive ball and were covering esge pleyers under their own basket and in your own half of » floor. In the second half, the two fouls conmitted by Kansas were apparently because of location on the floor comnitted offensively rather than defensively, although neither one was comsitted on an Indiana player within shooting distance of Indiana's basket. ss Drs Forrest G,. Allen | Page 2, April 5, 1940 ‘In the first haif, of the nine fouls committed by Kansas, four were committed in the Kansas half of the floor, and using the sane line of reasoning, would indicate that they were offensive fouls rather than defensive, In ali, my chart indicates that Kansas played much sore aggressive basketball in the first half than in the second, while Indiana's aggressiveness began about the middle of the first half and extended : t the reaainder of the game, becoming intensified defensively in the second half. | i am afraid that is about all the information I can give you, excepting that three of the Kansas fouls coniitted in the entire game were come aitted in locations that had nothing whatever to do with the scoring of points. In other words, they were comaitted on Indiana men who were not in a position to score. ee On the other hand, Indiana committed nine fouls during the entire . game upon Kansas players not in a position to score. This, I belleve, indicates just abouti the ratio of aggressiveness of the two teams over the entire came. So far es T am coneerned, the game was a tremendousl interesting one | to me —_ without passing any bouquets out at all would say that I . consi your team the better coached, but considered that the Indiana boys were more mature and pessessed the more natural ability including ees + ‘his is a pretty rough analysis, but please understand that. first of all, I was watching the game for the pleasure I was getting out of it and not in any sense of the werd as & scout representing a team which had to play either of the teams in action. There was one thing I completely missed and which I tried my best to catch. Possibly you ean helpume out on this. You will remeuber, Indi made several baskets by a man suddenly appearing invariably fron the — side of the court, running parrallel to the end line, entirely uncovered by one of ~~ Players, getting the ball on a direct pess for & lay- | up shot. i think they did this once in the first half and either three or four times in the second Balf. a the life of me, I coulda't see that there was any blocking of your player. However, the pley aust . have beer a set ~ Ho and if you can diagram it for me, I wo a, getting it, because qe thers was blocki (and there no doubt was ° it must have occurred eat a considerable distance fron the basket and under such conditions that it certainly wasn't noticeable to ae. Trusting this information which, as I have indieated, was secured for Sy own amusesent and, therefore, is possibly not as accurate or methodically kept as though it had been for scouting purposes, may be of seme use to you, Zaam sek Sincerely yours PAR:MeG ~ . Fhen@ A, Rewe UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI cOLUMSBIA INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS May 17, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens : This will acknowledge receipt of your check for $185.93 which you forwarded to Professor Shirky on May 11. This was a very pleasant surprise and such surprises are always welcome. We appreciate your looking after Big Six interests as you did. Sincerely, Executive Secretary VLSpurling/mvd TO MANAGERS OF TOURNAMENT TEAMS : The following information may be helpful to you in handling the affairs of your squad and in giving you a thorough understanding of the arrangements under which the tournament is conducted. The same regulations, in general, that were followed last year are being used this year. le The tournament is under the management of the N.C.AeAe In order that it may have a chance to break even in the events and so that the N.C A.A. may be able to write off its promotionel expense, certain reguletions have been set up. At the same time, we desire to make your stay in Kansas City a pleasant one and relieve you of as much expense as possible. 2e Railroad and pullman fare on train will be paid for a party of twelve. 3. Three dollars per day permman will be allowed while the team is in Kansas City during the period of the tournament. 4. Five dollars per day per man will be allowed while the team is in Kansas City during the period of the tournament. 5. The total of this expense will be figured immediately after the tournament and checks will be mailed directly to your schools. If your checks should be made out in a particular way, please provide that information before you leave Kansas City. 6. Each member of the squad of twelve will be given two tickets for each night. Participant passes and tickets will be delivered to you upon arrival. There are no complimentary tickets. 7. Arrangements for practice sessions on the Auditorium faoor are being handled by Mr. Ted O'Sullivan, of Kansas City. 8. The tournament committee will furnish the official timer and scorere 9. Suitable trophies will be awarded to the winner and runner-up. Individual mementos will be awarded to all the contestants. team 10. Each t4me will be expected to settle its own bills. The fourna- ment Committee will make reimbussements as indicated above. ll. The first game will be played each night at 8 peme The drawings will be announced later. 12. The losers of the games on March 22 will play the preliminary game on March 23. TICKETS , 4 = Oren Bingham and assistants 6 = WREN announcer and engineers . 4 2 ~ Bunn Saeiue — 1 - Bob Busby Vo 1 = Ernst Uhrlaub yi1l- Clavelle Holden lL = Hal Branine - 1 ~ Ken Postlethwaite we = Roscoe Ie Browne, Rosedale High ene NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A. A. - CHAIRMEN OF SUB-COMMITTEES Publication Oswatp Tower Executive H. H. Satmon, Jr. Research Forrest C. ALten Game Administration Sumner A. Dote Complete List of Committee Members F. C. Allen Univ. of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas John Brown, Jr. 347 Madison Ave. New York, New York John Bunn Stanford Univ. Palo Alto, California Forrest Cox Colorado University Boulder, Colorado J. H. Crocker Univ. of Western Ontario London, Ont., Canada M. C. Cunningham High’ School Desloge, Missouri Sumner A. Dole Connecticut State College Storrs, Connecticut J. Mark Good Sun-Gazette Co. Williamsport, Pennsylvania E. J. Hickox Springfield College Springfield, Massachusetts A. F. Jefferess 114 Carrick Ave. Hamilton, Ont., Canada Frank P. Maguire Dept. of Public Instruction isburg, Pennsylvania H. G. Olsen Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Curtis Parker Centennary College Shreveport, Louisiana H. V. Porter 11 S. LaSalle St. Chicago, Illinois Floyd A. Rowe Board of Education Cleveland, Ohio J. W. St. Clair Southern Methodist Univ. Dallas, Texas H. H. Salmon, Jr. 40 Wall St. New York, New York Oswald Tower Andover, Massachusetts Questionnaire H. V. Porter NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S. A. A. - Y.M. CLA. - C:ANADIAN I. A. U. and A. B. A. NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES and CANADA Vice Cuairman, JOHN BUNN Stanford Univ., Palo Alto, Calif. Treasurer, FLOYD A. ROWE Cuairman, H. H. SALMON, Jr. 40 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Secretary, H. V. PORTER 11 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois Epviror, OSWALD TOWER Andover, Massachusetts Mapch 7, 1940 ir. F. C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: As you know, I am planning to have a meeting of the N.C.A.A. division of the basketball rules committee the night before the opening of our meeting. If I have my dates correct that would be the night of the 29th. The hotel has promised me a meeting room. Please let me know if I am correct in the above dates and also of the time you think would be best for us to have this meeting. Kindest personal regards, DAA Cra Jo W. St. Clair. jws .m Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio CLASS OF SERVICE 1201 SYMBOLS This is a full-rate DL=Day Letter Telegram or Cable- A 7 ) NL=Night Letter a ai its de- \ erred character is in- LC=Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. : R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J. C. WILLEVER ~ Ship Radiogram r PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT cle . ‘The filing time shown in the Gate line on telegrams aud day letters & STANDARE: TIMER at point Gf origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD WINGE at lit of Westination : KA679 17 3 EXTRASSEATTLE WASH VIA LAWRENCE KANS 11_ FOREST C ALLEN, BASKET BALL COACH= UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS ALLIS HOTEL WICHITA KANS= USC SELECTED TO REPRESENT EIGHTH DISTRICT WILL YOU WIRE HUNTER OF USC FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS= HEC EDMUNDSON. USC USC HEC. THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE \ orem err nN Se PETAR crea TRA Are UAtBn nanin ra pinamurensenr enemies THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY PARK LOS ANGELES Mar. 12, 1940. Mr. Forrest Allen, Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Mr. Allen: Sam Barry has asked me to send you sae basketball information in advance of the Trojan trip to Kensas City for the NCAA play-off. I have already sent pictures and material to C.E. McBride at the Kansas City Star ami Norb Garrett at the Kansas City Journal. The enclosed booklet was prepared in advance of the 1940 season and gives the roster of the 11 men making the trip, personal information on the players and Coach Barry and consider= abe record material up through the 1939 season. I am enclosing the 1940 recard, which shows 19 victories out of 21 games, The boys play en excellent floor game and mich of ~~ ote pha od their success is founded on their experience in playing together, Four of them were regulars last year. They are the four seniors-- Forward Ralph Vaughn (6 feet), Forward Jack Morrison (6), Center Dale Sears (6:2) end Guard Tom McGervin (6). Guard Jack Lippert (5:11) is the only new man on the team this year end was a reserve last year as a sophomore. Veughn hes been selected on all of the Akk-American teams so far. He is an outstanding left-handed hook shot specialist. X He is a good floor man and when the defense concentrates on him Sam \ pulls him back as a feeder and he still is pletty valuable. ——~ f "og ee ae, f> — PPO WON 4 f \ a i f ~ PPA eesan cpm arr Lene THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY PARK LOS ANGELES Morrison is just a plain country basketeer by himself but fits in well with the Trojan teem play. Sears gives us the only height we have and does most of the rebounding. McGarvin and Lippert are ex= cellent shots as well as close-guarding defense men. We won 13 games this season before hitting a slight mid- season slump. That seemed to have disappeared last week-end when we took Oregon State, northern division champions of the conference, in > two games, 54-41 and 62=25. ae If you need any more pictures or material, will you please let me know? Sincerely yours, Lbs Al Wesson, Dir., Athletic News, P.S.. Would like to add that I have enjoyed your basketball Book very much, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHENN CALIFORNIA BASKEPRALL RESULTS, 1939-40 BISIRRARIRLB S8S8AEBSRSS3RR5 " Ades a UE sinner ee 3 aAeettAs As ft ete el va |g wetet March 15, 1940, I have received your publicity mterial on your Colorado basketball team for the N.CeAsd. tourme Sincerely yours, FCASMH Managing Director, HeCeAcde Basketball ‘Tournament. UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO Boulder, Colorado ela MARK SCHREIBER Assistant Graduate Manager Athletic Publicity Director eee 2m, os March 6, 1940 ee gc? sae ea exar Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allens: Frosty Cox has passed on to me your letter of March 4th requesting publicity material on the Colorado basketball team. I have already sent a rather complete file of pictures to Mr. Me Bride of the Kansas City Star and to Mr. Carroll of the Journal-Post. Do you still desire add- itional pictures? I am sending you twenty mats under separate cover of the eight outstanding stars and of Coach Cox. I am also sending you information on the past season's results. If you need anything more, please wire me as I am leaving Boulder within the next week and I will be gone for several . weeks. Sincerely yours, o Mark Schreiber — MS :CH DEPARTMENT OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR March 14, 1940 ie a © = 2 Mr. Forrest C. Allen “\: u? _ Basketball Coach 6, : University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas S : Dear Phog: , : We are planning to arrive at Kansas City the night of March 21 on the Southern Pacific. We would like to go immediately to Convention Hall for a work-out. If you are not in charge of arrangements for the Hall, will you kindly let me know whom to contact. Best of luck to you against Oklahoma A. & M. Sincerely yours, Js a Barry Basketball Coach 2 o o Harry G. CARLSON Department of Physical Education poner oe Director and Baseball WALTER B. FRANKLIN Assistant Director and Graduate Manager CLARENCE L. ECKEL Faculty Athletic Representative University of Colorado BERNARD F’, OAKES Football FRANK Potts Track, Ass’t Football ELvIn C. SAYRE Wrestling, Ass’t Football CHAS. VAVRA Gymnastics and Physical Education Forrest B. Cox Basketball and Intramurals Howarp EK. WAITE Corrective and Trainer WALTER S. DRISKILL Ass’t Football Boulder, Colorado Mar. 7, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Dept. of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Your letter in which you requested publicity material received. I have turned your letter over to Mark Schreiber, our publicity director and asked that he supply you with publicity material immediately. Thanks for your congratulations and good luck in your geme with Oklehoma University. We plan to be in Kensas City for the play off for the N.C.A.A., Tuesday, March 19th. Sincerely yours, A Forrest B Basketball Coach FBC :C THE RICE INSTITUTE HOUSTON, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS March 18, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: Our team will arrive about noon Wednesday and would like to work out that afternoon and Thursday afternoon. We would appreciate your help in arranging the time for such work outs. With best personal wishes for a successful tourna- ment, I am Yours very truly, Rice Institu Athletic Ass! _-Gaylord Johnson Business Manager of Athletics GJ: cw