WESTERN UNION Stillwater, Oklahoma Dre Fe Ce. Allen, Lawrence, Kansase The following action was taken by our Athletic Council this morninge "It is moved, in view of the fact that no definite date has been set for the play-off in the Fifth District of the N.C.A.A. Basketball Tournament and, furthermore, since March 18 is an open date for all possible competing teams, as well as the auditorium in Oklahom City, that we accept the invitation of the Metropolitan Intercollegiate Basketball Committee to participate in the national basketball invitetion tournament in Madison Square Garden on March 11-15 and return to compete in the N.C.A.A. tournament." It must be understood from this action that we are most desirous to continue our support of the N.C.AsAe and to play in the N.C.AA. tournament which this plan of dates makes possible.e Athletic Council, Oklahoma Ae & Me College.