TO MANAGERS OF TOURNAMENT TEAMS : The following information may be helpful to you in handling the affairs of your squad and in giving you a thorough understanding of the arrangements under which the tournament is conducted. The same regulations, in general, that were followed last year are being used this year. le The tournament is under the management of the N.C.AeAe In order that it may have a chance to break even in the events and so that the N.C A.A. may be able to write off its promotionel expense, certain reguletions have been set up. At the same time, we desire to make your stay in Kansas City a pleasant one and relieve you of as much expense as possible. 2e Railroad and pullman fare on train will be paid for a party of twelve. 3. Three dollars per day permman will be allowed while the team is in Kansas City during the period of the tournament. 4. Five dollars per day per man will be allowed while the team is in Kansas City during the period of the tournament. 5. The total of this expense will be figured immediately after the tournament and checks will be mailed directly to your schools. If your checks should be made out in a particular way, please provide that information before you leave Kansas City. 6. Each member of the squad of twelve will be given two tickets for each night. Participant passes and tickets will be delivered to you upon arrival. There are no complimentary tickets. 7. Arrangements for practice sessions on the Auditorium faoor are being handled by Mr. Ted O'Sullivan, of Kansas City. 8. The tournament committee will furnish the official timer and scorere 9. Suitable trophies will be awarded to the winner and runner-up. Individual mementos will be awarded to all the contestants. team 10. Each t4me will be expected to settle its own bills. The fourna- ment Committee will make reimbussements as indicated above. ll. The first game will be played each night at 8 peme The drawings will be announced later. 12. The losers of the games on March 22 will play the preliminary game on March 23.