Qe ee aD THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS DEPARTMENT OF PuysIcaAL EDUCATION L. W. St. Joun, Director April 13, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog": Thanks for sending along the check for $5000. I think you are absolutely right in working slowly and methodically in the matter of settling the bills. All of us have to be sure that whate ever moves we make in this direction are moves that will be approved by the NeCoAeAe I think your letter to Mr. Walter B. Franklin, Graduate Manager, of Colorado is perfectly in order and I check everything you have said. I do not see how they can take a stand against what you have said in your letter about extra meals, hotel, etc. With regard to Colorado's incidental expense of $50, it seems to me that any item of that kind should be completely itemized. I can*t see why any team should be allowed to put in a bill for $50 incidental expenses without having it itemized, any more than you or I should be able to put in items of that nature. I think it is customary, however, to charge 10% tips on meals, etc. That, of course, would not apply to railroad fare and pullman. In general I feel this way: that we ought to approve ex= penses on the part of these teams in pretty much the same manner as your institution or ours would okeh them. I don't kmow any other guide to follow and it seems to me if we do adhere to that sort of criterion we are on safe ground and none of the teams have a real right to gripe. I am returning the Colorado expense accounts to you for your files. Any way you feel like finally disposing of the matter will have my complete indorsement. very sincerely yours, 7 Ot He Ge Olsen Chairman, N.C.AA. Basketball HGO :M Tournament Committee EnCe Air Mail