My notion was that we should pay all expenses for fifteen men in our tournament as was done for Duquesne in the eastern our tenes Mre Olsen had» ordered that this be done. after all traveling ex- penses have been paid, my enongnt was that perhaps the NeCeAeAs should have by 7,500. as a reserve fund. Of course, this would leave them bat $5,000. net since they would have to absorb the 62 . deficit, Then I had "oped that the teams would be able to split the remainder, share and share alike. Since promoters and other tournament tae always give the visiting teams a good evt in the earn I thought it would be very unfortunate indeed if the N. thchs Somme teke all of bcc money above bare expenses for the G8 « I would spree. it if you would write me your reactions. Perhaps I 7 some additional good reasons if you will write me exactly what you think, whether you agres or asenerne with my ideas Thanking you for making the ccnaeaiealh a decided success, I am Vory sincerely y.ours, PCA SAH Manager, N.C»AA. Basketball Tournamente