CLASS OF SERVICE’ e 1201 SYMBOLS wou is a boot esa i ( 2 g ) DL =Day Letter elegram or Cable- : cs e aa = its de- NL =Night Letter erred character is in- LC=Deferred Cabl dicated by a suitable etre . symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address, R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J. SC. WILLEVER » Ship Radiogram la PRESIDENT ja3 oe en ul sg ORAL RNIA N OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination KAD61 18/21=NORMAN OKLA 7 210P PHOG ALLEN, CARE PHI KAPPA PSI HOUSE ‘WIN OR LOSE WE WANT YOU AND THE TEAM HERE FOR THE NIGHT AND DINNER AFTER THE GAME WIRE BY WU= :OKLAHOMA ALPHA OF PHI KAPPA PSle THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE : THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN DEPARTMENT OF INTRAMURAL ATHLETICS OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR March 9, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: We have had our equipment man and custodian search high and low for the basketball trunks you thought might have been left in our dressing room. We fail to find any trace of them, and it looks as though Engleman will have to be playing without his pants. If they were left in the dressing room at our place it is entirely possible that some of the youngsters who hang around the building trying to get autographs of your team might have picked them up as a souvenir. ially yours, W. H. Browne Basketball Coach WHB: MKD ~ Allen, o = 5 4% Aynold, g ” “ aah: £ 4 10 Floyd (5 (10,4f) Herp, & a Hartman, g : Hogben, € ' | Hunter, § / Johnson, £,¢ } / Kline, ¢ a y Willer, = TS Potter, ¢ Vv Reid, £ . i 10 —— 8 (asso) Sohaske, g ae 7 (4¢,3¢) | 7 (1f,20,4¢) Woodward, £ . | (le, 2f) | 11 (1e,10f) o wa © © a a a cain Abin Nn gic aE ie sp. coeinesnchrinlaelestidaerremeomuiniaimnee eIMeN aro NIN seco ie SOR OAR ETERS UTM NLA NEY SCE eee «% 9 is 9 6 pene seme ae enlpoeen | Bf Arnold, g glenn, £ Hlogben, g rhnber, G Jolnsen, £,0 Kline, ¢ “Krum, £ Miller, f Mosser, £ Potter, ¢ «Reid, & Sehasle, ; } 7 (dey30) 7 (Ae, 20446) - : ¥ 7 £ (4 3 (le,22) 12 (1e,20f) | 6 | | n 8 o & ses thni satin aOR OPE SA RRO A 4 3 3 6 so) : ® f G ; € : " i ; 4 t i ‘ VARSITY Bob Allen Jemes Arnold Miller Cameron Don Ebling Howard Engleman Jack Floyd Diek Harp Bill Hogben T. Pe Hunter Bob Johnson John Kline John Krum Ralph Miller Bob O'Neil Dewitt Potter Bruce Reid Jack Sands Bruce Voren Bob Woodward Jack Engel Donn Mosser Ralph Schaake Herb Hartman (7) VARSITY Bob Allen James Arnold Miller Cameron - Don Ebling Howard Englemen dack Floyd Diek Herp Bill Hogben Te Pe Hunter Bob Johnson John Kline John Krum Ralph Miller Bob O'Neil Dewitt Potter Bruce Reid Jack Sands Bruce Voran Bob Woodward Jack Engel Dem Mosser Ralph Schaake Herb Hartman (7) VARSITY Bob Allen Jemes Arnold Miller Cameron Don Ebling Howard Engleman dack Floyd ‘Dike Harp Bill Hogben Te Pe iunter Bob Johnson John Kline John Krum Ralph Miller — Bob 0 Meil Dewitt Potter Bruce Reid Jack Sends Fruce Voran Bob Woodward Dorm Mosser Ralph Schaake Herb Hartman (7) VARSITY