REPRO Re Mejor Griffith “Fage 3 sevember 30, 1940 activity 1¢ is being oeebiiant umnecesserily. and, too, the professional prometers elweys offer «uch more in the wey of lueretive expense secounts thee our Ue Ce As Ae covmittes offers, The professions1 promoters offer _te pey expenses for 15 men end they will guarantee you « purse in addition » te the guerantee. Very enticing. ‘Therefore, I believe that if we are g0ing te continue this tournament thet we should not have to eompete in @ellers end cente with these fellows, but-we must follow slong the Line oF giving our teams eneugh money thet it will be st least a friendly gesture in seeting the competition tht the professio als are sonstbtently offering. In Chieage when our committee met with your group I was veined sn care (o. seq your group ask for a 10% cut before 211 expenses were hen Jo BO. out of the tetel, ®hen tree receives but 10% it sould pay #11 expenses and then have the Ne Ge Ae Ac teke 60% of the tote! profite and ‘istribute 60% fourteen weve thet this would be more then faire I believe that everyvody would be heppy with such an orrangement. But the 50% was certainly more then sny member of the Tegional Basketbell Committee ever thought of. 1 wee not the one to oky thet the srrengunent whigh your exeeutive dete » but we were in no pesition te do thet ssiness «t hand. Then when you wrote Ole setting . forth the findings of your committee, we found thet that was not whet was : egreed upon in our meeting» : % to me thet your group end our committee should mediete, because whet was written to Gle was not whet wes egreed upon es it ume read to ft.. Clair, Olsen end mee Ole sent me 2 earbo ee i presume thet he also sent ft. Clair one. . In closing let me rake nyself pleine f will agree to do vost anything for tre good of the order. | ateninilinoy leynity to the ". Ce As Aj however I can see no reeson why we cannot continue with a fine tournament in whi h the 3. Ge Ac Ae oon immediately count on « fine income end where the fourteen colleges participeting will heve at best « very emell sum, but et least enough to eske them happy.e Therefore, i bag of you to see if it ig net possible with some sediatier toe forget the criginel 10: discussed and to psy the reilroad, pullsen, hotel and seal expenses of «11 fourteen teers competing in their respective Eastern, #estern end fiationel pley-of is and thee te divide a very hendsere profit, 60% of the Hs. Ce Ac Ac, und 50% of the net te tre ee thet the committee suggests. ~ Zeke oathabdlesdel septa tees! snares ated a nal lee Wishing you end your family & very never © end prosporous Yuletide, I remain es sincerely yours, ‘Director of Physical Hdueation and Recreation Varsity Basketbell Coach FeAslw . | " want int i i dat atelier BE sialic lal is aia AM as Sar ak ea aN a i a a ioasciiaiaia