Desember 3, 1940 oe Harold G, Olsen ohio State Uni versity Gcbatas, wae Dear Ole: Pursuant to my promise as of November 30, I am sending you the ieahe ¢ for the NeCeAed4e Tournament together with an itenized expense eccount of the trips te Chicago on September 6, 7 and November 2 for meetings, including the telephone call fron Chicago to Coluabus ag well as the a eee assicnuments This refers to our meeting with va jor Griffith on one day and waiting over until the next so we could have 8. conference with hime 'T am also sending an itemized Sst of tive a pares to Kansas City, ending on August he ‘Sincerely yours, Manager, NeCeAcAe Tournament FCAslg Encée —