Iowa State College Office of University of Missouri Columbia acs Commissioner of Officials University of Kansas University of Nebraska Lawrence I ll Dis oe Cc a Lincoln Kansas State College —o egiate er cee umemeee University of Oklahoma Moihatess 342 So. Chelsea Avenue i ae KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Dec.14-1939 Dr.F.C.Allen University of Kansas Dear Doc: Have waited until the last minute thinking something would break so I wouldn't have to do this,but between the Board of Education here and our league schedule I am having a tough time. With eight teams in the League this year we are having to play two games in the Afternoon and two at Night. When the orginial s schedule came out we were to play the afternoon of Jan.leth. I would have been able to get up to Lawrence in plenty of time for your game with Kansas State. As the schedule stands now we are going to play at night the 12th. and I won't be able to get there. Will be up to see your team in action next Tuedday night Very "ie yours, R.E.Peters with 5.M.U.