MATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED STATES | AND CANADA Chasemen of SubComatoes - Rebouhhves! Cet tae | Z Publication: Oswald Tower Research ; Forrest Ce» Alien Questionnaires He Ve Porter Game Administrations Summer Ae Dole Chaimany = Play Row, Board of Bavestion, Cleveland, ohio Secretary « ile Vs Porter, 11 S, LaSalle Ste, Chicago Vice Chairman © M» Cy» Allen, Unive of Mansae, Lawrence Treasurer = Hy Janison Swarts, Univs of Pas, chiladelphia Bditor + Oswald Tower, Andover, Massachusetts — Committee Meubers: Fe Ce Allen, Unive of Kansas, Lawrences 4 rick Aves, Tazilton, Onte, Canada onole Pe hageh ty 48 ta Bec the, Hayvrisburg, Pas He Ge Olsen, Ohio State University, Columbus : Curtis Parker, Centennary College, Shreveport, Le G» Warren Phillips, High School, Hebron, Inde He Ve oe 11S LaSalle Ste, Floyd A» Rowe, Board of Bdueation, Cleveland, ohio Je We Ste Clair, Southern Methodist Univ, Dallas He Jamison Swarts, Unive of Pennsylvania, PAS Paes Oswald Tower, Andover, Masse | CLASS OF SERVICE N | 1201. —. SYMBOLS. : This is a full-rate A DL=Day Letter NL=Night Letter Telegram or Cable- am unless its de- ( 0 5 )% = erred character is in- Se ae LC=Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre- : NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J. Cc. WILLEVER \ Ship Radiogram i PRESIDENT - CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination a i KAD58 8=COLUMBUA OHIO 18 321P DR F C ALLEN Ce UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PLEASE HURRY FINAL REPORT IF AT ALL POSSIBLE= H G OLSENS : —~THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE ‘lovember 18, 1940 Ure Ee Ge Olsen Basketball Coach Ohio Stete University Columbus, Ohio Dear Ole: TT beg to accept receipt of your wire of the 18th instant reading es follows: “Please hurry final report if at all possible." | | Ole, I want to assure you that I am even more anxious then you are to get this thing cleared up. I have called and endesvored to make appointments with Smith, the printer who printed our programs, and he has either been out of town or something hes thwarted my move every time I have made an. attempt to settle the bill. Frankly, I feel as if we are going to have bad luck on the proposition, but last week I got hold of his secretary and she stated he would be in town Tuesdey morning, November 19. “here~ fore, as soon es my 10:30 class is over, I am leaving for Kansas city to keep this appointmente We are not having eny luck in our collections, so I am going to put in these bills as uncollectable, so fer as my report is concerned. And tomorrow when I pay this fellow I will follow with a report on Wednesday and send you what money we have on hand and call the matter closed upe If it hed net been for this hangenail, we would have closed the tournament business a long time ago end.been rid of the very difficult situations lowever, hed we closed earlier than e month ago, we would heve an old bill to settle to the Kansas City Journal. This ig one of the newspepers that Bowles gave the advertising to and they charged it to him instead of to us. And then, not being able to collect from him, they sent us the statement and wanted to know if there was any way they could collect the bill. This being the first thet I hed heard of it, I asked them to mail me the. bill and I sent theme check. fo I am sure now there ere no outstanding bills. I believe if I were you I would try to hold back this whole amount for emergencies, but thet is up to yous I am so sorry, Ole, thet my teaching schedule and my basketball practice have been such thet it has ham-stringed me and prevented me from getting away any one full dey in any week. I had October basketball practice due to the fect that I lost most of my regulers end I thought thet I would start out on fundamentals and try te develop a bunch of youngeters into a better group of ball handlerse On Mondays, Vednesdays, and Fridays I heve classes at 9:30 and.11:30. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have a class at 9:30. Therefore, it made it very difficult for me to drive to Kansas City and get back in time for 3:30 basketball prectice. Then, too, I hed complete charge of the Community Chest drive of Lawrence so _ fear es the entire University was concerned, and then we had a Yo Me Ce Ae drive on here end I was stuck with thet. So I have been busier than the proverbial “one-armed paper hanger with the itch." | I guarentee that there will be no such hangenails attached to the next tournament that I have anything to do with. = Vath #11 good wishes, i Gm, _ ‘Very truly yours, ‘Director of Physical Education and Recreation | Varsity Basketball Coach FCAz1g:min 4A by b's abe \ AL ee) Von . Pe se November. 18, 1940 Se — Mre Harold Ge Olsen CO a Department of Physical Education ee , Ohio State University ee ees Columbus, Ohio 7 *. ' Dear Oles I had hoped that you and I could get together between now and one of the Thanksgivings, but I believe that is impossible so I will endeavor to. put on paper what I discussed with you over the phone when I was in Chicagoe I dropped into Major Griffith's office and he asked me to the Wailing Wall Luncheon, which wes Monday noone He also asked me to come in and spend some time with hime Then he got out his papers and showed me he had money to the amount of $8,269.11, and he wanted ‘to lnow if I would tell him how the money should be distributeds that they were quite anxious that the money be sent to the collegess He said if I would give his secretary the method of distribution, he would see that the money was sent outs He asked, “Or do you want to send it out?" I insisted that the checks should be written and disbursed by hime I suggested that they all be made out to the Athletic Association of the various schools and universities interested. Then we tried to arrive at the amowmt. We deducted $2500 from the $8269611, which left $5769.11. ‘Then we @ivided this $5769s11 in half, giving the NCAA 50%; which left $2884.56 for distribution in 14 parts. Indiana and Kansas to receive 3/14, Southern California and Duquesne to receive 2/14, . and Colorado, Springfield, Massachusetts College, Rice Institute and Kentucky Teachers to receive 1/14. ee ; 3 Then I tried to figure out where the remaining money was and I figured that if you had $9512.12 as shown om your report, that you had perhaps taken 10% of $9512.12 and withheld that, which would be $951.21. Deducting the 10% from $9512.12 would leave a balance of $8560¢91. There would still be a diserepancy of $291.80. a Your telephone message explained the situation to me. I went back to Major Griffith's seeretary and stated that I thought it would be better if they sould get the definite report from you, and of course, I realize that I was the very individual holding it up, but I was holding it up because I could not find this fellow Smith in his offices Tomorrow, Tuesday, I am going to go down to the City and make this settlement, then on Wednesday I will send you what remiining money there is with a cheek and a reporte | Ole, here is what I frankly thinke I believe if you and I could sit down with Mejor Griffith and tell him that the 10% cut and the 50% cut is too much, he made me definitely understand that they would make the adjustment in the way we feel would be just and honeste ‘There are just a few men rumming the NCAA and I know the rest of them would go along. After our “Custer's Last Stand" in the Mre Olsen ate Page Two ° Nove 18, 1940 room with those MAA people I was not going to rise and bicker over the 10) but we can get a fair settlement and it certainly is not right for them to take 10% first and then take 50%. I will not quarrel and it would have been out of place for any voice to have been raised at that meeting, But the fact that Major Griffith wrote you and stated that the findings were as those set forth in the letters namely, that no hotel and traveling expenses would be allowed them, showed me conclusively that they were all mixed UPo | Therefore, I think very definitely, before this money is distributed that we should have a meeting and I am sure Major Griffith will go along with us because we have a seteup wherein we will make the NCAA a lot of money, if they do not “kill the goose that lays the golden egg." 3 Major Griffith said to me, “PhOgs do you think the boys will be satisfied with such a settlenent as this?™ And the interesting part of it was, Ole, that he was not clear on the settlement, and he continued, "Well, Phog, if they are not, you and Ole and Saint and some of us will get together and we will make it rights" He stated that the difficulty with a lot of these fellows is that when they make money they want to spend it all. He spoke about Butch Cowell, who passed away last year. He stated that Butch wes a good fellow but he was Chairman of the NCAA Boxing Committee and these members would want to have about three meetings a year and spond a lot of money while they were in session, but the meetings were too often and too expensivee I said, “Well, Major Griffith, that is not true in regard to our neetings," and he hastily agreed. I told wajor Griffith that we had been as conservative on our expene ditures as if we had been handling University moneyp I told him of some of the expenses that were too large and that we refused to approve. them, and we made nobody @ngrye I mentioned the fact that I got letters from you and we presented them in such a way, without using the officers names, and we told them the Come mittee would not approve such expense accounts. I stated the business mana ger had perfect confidence in what we had done, and further that President Owens had attended the finals and complimented the Committee most highly in the cole legiate atmosphere which the Tournament seemed to possess. | | I just Inow, Ole, that inasmuch as the NCAA Executive Comittee seteup _ ig not clear and inasmuch as we are making an agreement to last for the NCAA Basketball teams to follow, I still believe that we could benefit by meeting with Major Griffith and getting an agreements; namely, 50% of their net with the NCAA without this first 10% cut. : Kansas is to play Loyola in Chisago on January 2. I am wondering if there is any way that we could meet with you and Major Griffith that date, or _ Will he be back from the New York Meeting? Will you please find out and let | me know? I imagine you will be busy but thought perhaps I would take a fling Mre Olsen . Page Three Nove 18, 1940 at thise ‘The only other alternative is a meeting before Christmase Our Christmas recess begins on December 20. Would it be possible to meet you in Chicago and discuss with Major Griffith this problem about that time. I think it is very worthwhile, Ole, because what little we spend on a trip like that will be made back many fold to the teams in the prorations. Please ict me hear from you at your early conveniences Sincerely yours, Direetor of Physical Bdueation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsig November 23, 1940 Mre Harold G, Olsen Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Dear Oles Please find enclosed a copy of the financial report of the Western and National NCAA Tournement, held in the Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City, Missouri on March 22, 25, 30, 1940, The original copy has been sent to Jee St-Cleir for his signature, and he in turn will forward it ~~ yous , | Since the tue tourmmente wore held i such éleee praninity, fren 6 calendar standpoint, I am letting one financial report do the jobe If you desire to have this broken down into two tournaments we can do it, but it is only a matter of clerical work and at the present time I have not had the op= portunity. Last summer my secretary who had done all the bookkeeping and clerical work resigned, and at the begimning cf the school year a new secretary eame ine This makes for added work at this moment and for that reason, and the fact that school is on in full ewing, prohibits my doing this at the present time. REHIS, SESE On Ghey mation: te Sreck this. dem inte tes separate tournaments, if you eneszes” en GENE adhd Pied eedtetek 0 deen Wekth WA2A Wenne Wb Sees and the expenditure. i have deducted the expense of my trips to Kansas City Se oe ee eee Iie ang eS ee ee ee Cae ) | A short sumairy of the remieniah may be in order: Newspaper publicitys | + La eaAikh 2s. ORk Sed meebintsh atta natin at Son othe of Kansas Citys Se ee ee it got excellent an Clerical expense: Clerical expense had to do with bookkeeping, ticket selling, public address system, the Naismith Memorial (betweon halves) as well as telegrams and telephens calls. Luncheons : Tab Simin ‘eitpanee eh ter Ue ee tee Wat gahend together prior to the first game of the Western Championship. Ticket sellers & clerical helps The ticket sellers and clerical help expense is for services. at the Kansas City Municipal Auditorium, ; Page Two Nove 23, 1940 Games Committee and Officials Expenses This item is self-explanatory. Guarantees and travel expense to competitors: This item is self-explanatori. Equipments Equipment and balls used in the tournaments. 4 bill for $7.57 from Herff-Jones, which is included, is for one belt buckle that seemed to have been lost during the distribution in the . oo BY WOR nenOsEntY: Se oe oo a bere uekles Motion pictures and permanent veucrée; This ato is es Prenpeematerys Buildings and remds expenses This item is self-explanatorye | We reoei ved $840.90 from the prograns as income, and they cost us $727 0526 We would have made some money had it not been for the ) emer going bad who handled the programse I am also sending you canceled checks and bills. if there is any additional information you desire I will be very happy to oond it to yute Sincerely y cathy Manager, NeCoAeAc Tournament November 23, 1940 Mre Jello St. Clair Southern Methodist University Dallas, texas with the financial report which I am signing es anager, and asking that you ae Chairmn of the T WeCohehe eign and mail it on to Ole. We have been held up on accomt of « breakdown on the part of the man who handled our program. We made some money on the program, yet we lost, due to the of the man we had in charge, but as Director of Physical Education here I could not spend my time in Kansas City super~ vising program sales and the collections; therefore, we did the best that we could. I made five trips to Kansas City since last Juime wmti] the present endeavoring to get this matter settled. With all good wishes, I an, Sincerely yours, Manager, NeCeAoAe Tournament FAsig Novesiber 25, 1940 Me Harold Smith, President Smith-Grieves Company Seventeenth and Washington Streets Kansas City, Missouri Dear Harolds I would appreciate it if you would deliver @ll the cuts used in our NCAA Tournament Program to Mire Joe Jacobsong (including cover cuts)> ; Thanking you for this courtesy, I en, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach MONTHLY STATEMENT -~SMITH-GRIEVES COMPANY, /-‘intecs A 24-HOUR PRINTING SERVICE TELEPHONE HA 2020 | 17TH AND WASHINGTON Kansas City, Mo., JUL 1 - 1940 a “ Nat'l Collegiate Athletic Ass'n % Forest C. Allen Lawrence, Kansas i. od DATE MEMO FOLIO CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE Balance Forward MAR3O40 50619 727.52 PAST Buc 72752% ee arena SMITH-GRIEVES COMPANY, PRINTERS WESTERN ENVELOPE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Seventeenth and Washington Streets i dere coke ae KANSAS CITY, MO. PRESIDENT November 2, 1940 Dr. Forrest CG. Allen, 801 Louisiana, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: I haven't heard from you for a long time. Sometime ago I received a letter in which you said you were very desirous of settling up this basketball account-- the sooner the better. You told me that you had classes during the week and as soon as the rush of school opening was over you were going to call me and we would get together and bring the matter to a conclusion. Isn't it possible at this time for you to set a time that would be convenient to you. Sincer urs, fA settling this matter and sooner the better, I have classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:30 and 113303 and on Tuesday and Thursday at 9:30. I have started my varsity basketball practice from 3:30 until 5:00 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays My freshmen meet from 7:00 until 8:30 on the same days. However, after the rush of post-onrollment is over, and the other details concurrent with opening school have ended, I expeot to call you long distance and find a convenicnt time when we my discuss this matter — - to a finality. | | You are incorrect about the collection. ‘There is a sbory connected with it and it is not such a pleasant onee B Very cordially yours, 7 . Director of Physical Education and Recreation | FOAslg Varsity Basketball Coach x SMITH-GRIEVES COMPANY, PRINTERS WESTERN ENVELOPE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Seventeenth and Washington Streets gages la KANSAS CITY, MO. September 19, 1940. Dr. Forrest €. Alien, 801 Louisiana, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phoge: When you told me, on July 16th, that my name was still on your raffle list, I felt certain that before the 15th of September you'd have drawn out name out of your hat - and paid our biil. So - I marked your file up to September 15th. But, we still haven't received your check. Seriously, Phog, I don't like writing these letters any more than you like to receive them, but I just can't understand why you haven't straightened out this bili. When you were in the office last June you told me you'd received approximately $500.00 from the sale of programs and that there was a sufficient additional revenue to be received from the adver- tising to make up the balance due. The type of advertisers, we both agreed, was such that it would be just a matter of mailing out invoices to bring in the money due for the program ads. This money, added to that you'd already received from the sale of programs, would have been more than ample to pay our bdiil. Your bill dates back to March - that's six months azo. 1 feel certain you'll agree with me that we are entitled to know, definitely, what we may expect. Ttll look forward to hearing from you in a day or so. Sincer rs, July 16, 1940. Direotes: of Physical Eduontion and Recreetion, FCAsAH Varsity tasketball Coache SMITH-GRIEVES COMPANY, PRINTERS WESTERN ENVELOPE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Seventeenth and Washington Streets HAROLD SMITH KANSAS CITY, MO. July 11, 1940. Dr. Forrest ¢. Allen, 801 Louisiana, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: The last I heard from you was on June 13th. Haven't you had a’ sufficient reply from your efforts on collections to settle this account. Please let me know just what we may expect. Very truly grold Smith May 1p 1980y I gpve Bowles e check for $145.00 as his one-forth of advertising that he had solicited and the anourt that he was supposed to collect for use lle stated that the advertising we. payable as soon as they obteined it. Se the anomt revenue ¢ that you mentioned in your letter is not the net revermse Fefore _ eying this check I would much rether heve « conference 4. th you Cordially yours, 4 Director of Physical Education and Recreation, SMITH-GRIEVES COMPANY, PRINTERS WESTERN ENVELOPE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Seventeenth and Washington Streets sepia oti al KANSAS CITY, MO. PRESIDENT May 11, 1940. Dr. Forrest €. Allen, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: Since talking to you last Sunday, we have tried all week to connect with George Bowles, without success. Hnelosed is copy of a letter we wrote him last Monday, but have had no answer to it. I believe it will be necessary for you to work on this from up there. We would like, very much, to get paid for our work. I believe you told me you had received approximate- ly $500.00 revenue from the program sale. Couldn't you send us that amount as part payment on our account. We would appreciate that. Surely the money due from advertising should be more than sufficient to take care of the balance of our bill I hope you will be more successful in getting hold of George than we have been. George micht feel that his arransements on this ptogram as to advertising and sales were with you and that we have no business getting into it. It is getting along to two months since the tourna- ment was held and I hone you will do something about this right away - and also let us have your check as partial payment. Harold Smith Of sbakOa Mies canes May 6th, 1940 Mr. George Bowles, Finance Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Dear George: I have called your office several times, and hve left word for you to call me, both at your office and at home. You, no doubt, received a letter from Phog regarding the billing on the Basket-ball program and it is most important that we get together regarding this. Harold has talked with Phog regarding this and I would greatly appreciate your calling me at the earliest vossible moment, in order that we can arrange a meeting. Very truly yours, L.E. Smith SMI TH-GRIEVES COMPANY as Pais oe = i ne Mangas City, Hoe Mire Harokd Deny Hagolds nd —«1%th & I was shocked and Gt, Beet, » ai at # Hi i in fee y id qd Bie ai, ee! al Ht pal 18h Hh wah aa is i aes lt i. Me p33 t 23 ae ll is sa tiptay tad : He fi! Hi | PRR git ci iit an {hb Hop | iit ak i 23 sat ; z ae sgegue s“yi*, 3 TH Nii Hat Ree SMITH-GRIEVES COMPANY, PRINTERS _ WESTERN ENVELOPE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Seventeenth and Washington Streets ce KANSAS CITY, MO. PRESIDENT April 30th, 1940. Dr. Forrest €. Allen, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: Your letter of the 24th was certainly a distinct surprise to us. Considering our contacts with you before printing these programs, we never for one minute thought that there was going to be the slightest difficulty in our receiving payment for our work. You are familiar, I believe, with the shortness of time we were given to produce these programs. It was really hand- led under terrifie pressure. We understood that you were well pleased with our perfor- mance and our billing on this job we consider to be fair and entirely in line with the amount of work done. We delivered approximately 7500 programs - 2500 on the 22nd, 2615 on the 23rd and 8375 on the 30th. There were 4-2/3 pages of advertising in these programs. You say that the programs were all sold and with this and the advertising revenue - after the payment of commission - there certainly should be more than enough to take care of our bill. Since receiving your letter, I have been trying to contact George Bowles - left several calls for him, but as yet have not been able to reach him. I have to leave town tonight for the balance of this week. My brother Earl will make every effort to see George before this week is over. Certainly I want to get together with you and get this bill pald - so I will get in touch with you the first of this coming week. H4@rold Smith Second Annual 1940 National Collegiate A. A. Basketball Championships of America Western District SEMI-FINALS March 22 - 23 8:00 p.m. N.C. A. A. FINALS March 30 8:30 p.m. ADMISSION Boxes, Loges $1.68 Balcony 1.12 Upper Balcony .40 =~ « GENERAL TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE H. G. Olsen, Chairman Columbus, Ohio Dr. F. C. Allen, Manager Lawrence, Kansas H. H. Salmon, Jr. New York City J. W. St. Clair Dallas, Texas B. T. Grover Athens, Ohio =< *£ Also in Session --- Hote] Continental NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BASKETBALL COACHES March 28, 29, 30 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BASKETBALL COLLEGE OFFICIALS March 29, 30 NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE OF UNITED STATES & CANADA March 30, 31, April 1 The World Series of Basketball ie iit ch nd ah A ag I tees se DOU a eS Shee Be ig ge i hare Sale wg int hn ts a i am nN i gue Dg aap Municipal Auditorium Kansas City, Mo. RECEIVED from Program Sales ee « ee ee 0 © $600290 Paid to George Bowles (cash) « « « $135.00 144291 " ft " bi (check) ¢ e Totel to George Bowles « « « « e $279¢91 AMOUNT DUE Smith-Grieves Coe: DONE 6 6 aca ee cw ee 3 Cute cceeteevweceees ee © 97455 Tel «cee se eevee 4 © ey 6 $727 952 Na iis eerie eet tt ee 3 ei lee mal sllone i)