settling this matter and sooner the better, I have classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:30 and 113303 and on Tuesday and Thursday at 9:30. I have started my varsity basketball practice from 3:30 until 5:00 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays My freshmen meet from 7:00 until 8:30 on the same days. However, after the rush of post-onrollment is over, and the other details concurrent with opening school have ended, I expeot to call you long distance and find a convenicnt time when we my discuss this matter — - to a finality. | | You are incorrect about the collection. ‘There is a sbory connected with it and it is not such a pleasant onee B Very cordially yours, 7 . Director of Physical Education and Recreation | FOAslg Varsity Basketball Coach x