December 19, 1940 Major John Le Griffith . Commissioner of Athletics Hotel Sherman | Chicago, Illinois Dear Major Griffith: _ On November SO I had a young and inexperienced stenogra working for més She took a letter to you along with several others and I hastily signed the same without reading theme A week or so ago I had occasion to refer to that letter and I found so miny errors in it that I have made a corrections ' 2 in the third paragraph I:called Harold Olsen, "John", and I believe there were many other érrorse It seems to me there were 16 in the letter altogether, Iam sorry I did not read it before I sent it on to you, but I am enclosing a corrected copy herewith together with my apologye The letter is not important now, but I desired you to. know how the mistakes came about. _ Will you please destroy the copy in your files and substitute the letter enclosed? I believe this one mekeos more sense. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edueation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg Enc cc: .Harold Olsen