| : April 4, 1940. Me Don levis, President, WHB Broandeasting Company, Kansas City, Moe Dear Dons ‘Thank you for your fine letter of April Srd. Your idea of a coast-to-coast broadcast is a swell one, and we will put this on our agenda for next yoare It would have been fine to have had it this year. Confidentially, there is a ee ee Ne ee ee es n Kansas City for the semi-finals, instead of meeting east and wast of the Mississippi Rivers preeaghe foc Fyne Agus ve the finals theres as aes Weis x ks tn, ek Ga is why. we are holding up any announcenentse But we will definitely keep in mind the nation- wide broadcast for next yeare Very sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA sAH Varsity Basketball Coache