a ee RS ny eT ES ee NNR S Aa as ee COPY COPY COPY September 4, 1940 _ REPORT or BB shohs pee el 1940 The Eastern siisaiee was hela at the Butler Field hin Indianapolis, | Indiana on March 22 and 233 the Western play-off at the Mumicipal Auditorium at Kansas City, Moe, March 22 and 23 and the final game was played at — Kansas City on March 30¢ The following sumary gives the picture of Alb Tecriamss Western play-off and final game, Kansas City Receipts apne ae ‘Expenditures 2B e868 267 | ae ke toes : mastorn play-off, Butler Field House eee ‘Doeet yea _ Batons Indians A Ue a0 Oe Total Net Receipts $10,564.19 General Administrative Expense - for trophies, telegrams, postage, printing, — stenpgraphin, ete ; 852.07 Net profit on NeCeAede Basketball Tournament $9,512.12 7 isin on RES