he: If any balance remains, fifty pereent thereof shall be paid to the general fund of the Association and fifty percent may be prorated to the competing institutions, on a basis determined by the rules committee of the sport and approved by * the Executive Comnittee. = : It was understood that this Reputatsin was to be made retroactive to apply to the 1940 basketball tournament; and that in the case of the basketball tournament, playoffs and finals be dealt a for re purposes, as @ single tournament. Se The recommendations of the basketball rules committee for the proration of receipts (under paragraph ds section (4) above) for the 1940 and 1941 basketball tournaments was approved, as follows: Such amount shall be divided inte fourteen equal parts, one part going to each of the eight competing teams and an additional one part ot each of the four semi-finalists and an additional one part to each of the finalistse ae The full text of these actions “un, of course, be published in the ee ‘Cordially, John Le Griffith ce to Mre JeWe St. Clair Dre Fe Ce Allen