Ure Harold G» Olsen Ohie State University Columbus, Ohic Dear Oles ) | | ° I just received your urgent comnunication and I am airemiling & reply so that you will get it at the earliest possible moments KE You imow, Ole, I will agreo to most anything for the sake of harmony — and compatibility, but I think aftcr we had a clear out and out understanding with these people and then for them to eume back with the statement that they did, that it can hardly be charged to misunderstanding or even neglects with anything but e failure sign tacked to it before we started. we can since basketball has made money and will make money everywhere that we t 5 g é | : . E that was unfair, but ff we are going to uake our tou: & success ~ we cannot split pennies, especially when we are making larse I am going tobe perfootly frank with you, as I have always been, — but i think we need to protect our tourmamont. If not, I think we had = better give it upe I om not hardboiled, and I do not want to make eny = tH that I mow you will protect the tournament, if it is within your powers For | of | thet reason I am not in favor of giving up this point,--that must of necessity be retained to make our tournament whet you and the rest of us who worked so _ i