Che National League of Professional Base Ball Clubs RCA Building - 30 Rockefeller Plaza Nete Work April; Twelfth; Nineteen Forty; Dr. F.C.Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence Kansas. Dear "Phog"; : _ Please accept my thanks for your check No.2174 in the amount of $91.62 same being the amount of fee and expenses for Western N.C.A.A. play-offs. Herewith I append the expense items in re; N.C.A.A. Championship game; March 27th; ‘Phone to Dr.Allen; S 3,006 March 27th; St.-Marys to Kansas City and return; Conference with Olson; I meal; 4.20 March 28th; Western Union to Barton; 82 Mareh 28th; St.Marys to Kansas City and return; Return as of 3-31; 3-20 Meals; 9.00 Tips and Taxi; 3.00 Fee; Ioo.00 =$ T2I.22 "Phog" I wish to take this opportunity of having you know that I am appreciative of what you had to do---and say---about the connection that I had with both tournaments; I found you,as I have always found you, a corking fine guy to get along with. It was a pleasure to do the things you wanted done; I hope to have the oppor- tunity of so acting again; I have a few ideas that have developed since the games.that are worth while. Again; Thanks a million; Supervisor of Umpires. P.S. "Phog"S Handle that Continental Hotel item anyway you care to; You may send the check to St.Marys; that's where the Treasurer lives.