The Lessee hereby covenants and agrees: 1. To pay to the said Lessor for its rights under this Lease and Agreement $300 per day Both the Lessor and the Lessee agree and understand that if a flat rate is to be paid for the rights of the Lessee under this contract and lease, then the Lessee is to pay all municipal, state and federal taxes upon the receipts taken in, which are required to be paid, whether in the nature of a sales tax, amusement tax, privilege tax or any other kind of a tax, and if the Lessee claims to-be: exempt ‘from any such tax the Lessee shall in advance obtain in writing a statement acknowledging its exemption from the proper governmental branch and present such statement. to the Manager of the auditorium in advance of the particular performance or occasion that the exemption relates to. Further, in the absence of. .such,.a presented.exemption.the party of the first part is hereby granted a lien upon all moneys received in its custody for any. performance, exhibition or. other public use and, from. such money shall. be entitled to take therefrom such sum as is necessary to pay the tax,or taxes owing..,.If the party of the second part is to pay a percentage of the receipts taken in on any performance, exhi- bition:or other public use for its rights received under this contract and lease, then the party of the first:part has a general lien over all such money takemin with the right to take from such:money) such sum as is necessary to pay said tax or taxes, and then from the remaining amount the parties hereto take their specified percentages. Further, the party of the first part has a lien over all box office receipts with the right to take therefrom the money owed it as rental under this contract and lease.- : AX AVE Bz) ; C OF Shea whola eoutKack wear Ment Kaaba ak Ok the kossorxr 2. ‘That said Lessee will comply with all rules and requirements of the Police Department and Fire Department and other municipal authorities of Kansas City, and will obtain and pay for all neces- sary permits and licenses, and will not do nor suffer to be done anything on said premises during the term of this lease in violation of law. 5 ... 8. That said Lessee shall not injure, nor mar, nor in any manner deface said premises, and shall not cause or permit anything to be done whereby the said premises. shall be in any manner. injured, marred or defaced; and will not drive or permit to be driven, nails, hooks, tacks or screws into any part of said building and will not make nor allow to be made any alterations of any kind therein; that no bills, signs or other articles shall be pasted, nailed or otherwise attached to any part of the interior of said building in such manner as to injure, deface or destroy the same, nor shall any signs, bills or other articles be in any manner attached to the exterior walls of said premises or any other portion of said premises without the approval of the Manager of the auditoriums * ‘ ~ 4. That if said premises or any portion of said building during the term of this lease shall be damaged by the act; default: or negligence of the Lessee, or of the Lessee’s agents, employees, patrons guests or any person admitted to said premises by Lessee, Lessee to the Lessor. upon demand such sum as shall be necessary to restore said premises to their present condition. The Lessee hereby assumes full responsibility for the character, acts and conduct of all persons admitted to said premises by or with the consent of any person acting for or in behalf of said Lessee, and said Lessee agrees to have on hand at all times sufficient police force to maintain order and protect persons and property. The Lessor assumes no liability for injury of any nature to persons or property receivéd-in or about said building and premises and the Lessee covenants and agrees to make no claim against the Lessor for damages for such injuries, and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Lessor against any claim for damages of such character, either to the Lessee or to any employees of the Lessee or to other persons including patrons or guests.of the. Lessee. alin asian 5. That said Lessee shall not assign this lease nor suffer any use of the said premises other than that herein specified, nor let nor underlet the same, nor suffer any article to be brought into or act done. on said premises which vitiate or increase the premiums on the policy or policies of insurance held by the Lessor on its building, of which said premises are a part. 6. That the Board. of Governors of the Municipal Auditorium and the Municipal Auditorium Manager and anyone who shall present from them or him in writing a proper statement that that person is to be admitted, shall have at all times free access to:said premises for the purpose of making necessary inspections or attend to any other matter which is. usual and customary in the managing and regulating of said building. Further, that the Board of Governors of the Municipal Auditorium, through the Manager of the Municipal Auditorium, shall have the right to select from the entire list of boxes, four boxes, if the performance, exhibition. or, display, is. given in the arena of the Municipal Auditorium, and if given anywhere else in the Municipal Auditorium, then the Board of Governors of the Municipal: Auditorium, through the Manager of the Auditorium, shall have the right to select from the entire list. of available seats -- number of seats of his own choice, all said boxes and seats being provided to said Manager for each and every performance, exhibition or display given, without cost or other remuneration. , ae WI . That the keys and other ‘locking dévices shall at all times be in the possession and control of e Lessor. 8. Said Lessee agrees to abide by and conform to all rules and regulations from time to time adopted by or prescribed by the Lessor, for the government and management of said building; to take the proper care of the demised premises during said*term; to quit and surrender up said demised premises to the Lessor at the end of said term in the same condition as at the date of the commence-