NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A. A. CHAIRMEN OF SUB-COMMITTEES Executive H. H. SALMon, Jr. Research : Forrest C. ALLEN Game Administration © Sumner A. Dote Complete List of Committee Members F. C. Allen Univ. of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas John Brown 347 Madison Ave. New York, New York John Bunn Stanford Univ. Palo Alto, California J. H. Crocker - Univ. of Western Ontario London, Ont., Canada M. C. Cundiesten High School Desloge, Missouri Sumner A. Dole Connecticut State College Storrs, Connecticut H, D. Edgren George Williams College Chicago, Illinois E. J. Hickox Springfield College Springfield, Massachusetts Frank P. Maguire Dept. of Public Instruction Harrisburg, Pennsylvania W. E. Meanwell Shorewood Hills Madison, Wisconsin Curtis Parker Centennary College Shreveport, Louisiana H, V. Porter 11 So. LaSalle St. Chicago, Illinois Samuel Rogers 210 Confederation Life Bldg. Toronto, Ont., Canada Floyd A. Rowe Board of Education Cleveland, Ohio J. W. St. Clair Southern Methodist Univ. Dallas, Texas H. H. Salmon, Jr. 40 Wall St. New York, New York ' Oswald Tower Andover, Massachusetts Willard A. Witte Univ. of Wyoming Laramie, Wyoming Publication Oswatp TOWER Questionnaire H. V. Porter % Ye Ure Y. M. C. A. CANADIAN I. A U. and A. B. A. NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S. A. A. NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES and CANADA Vice CHairMAN, JOHN BUNN Stanford Univ., Palo Alto, Cal. Treasurer, FLOYD A. ROWE Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio Epitorn, OSWALD TOWER Andover, Massachusetts CuairMan, H. H. SALMON, Jr. ’ 40 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Secretary, H. V. PORTER ye v7 So. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois K o wt Lawrence, Kansas 4 Mareh 10, 1939 He Ge Olsen, Chairman, NCAAs Basketball Tournament Comittee. Mre John Bumn, Chairman, Western Regional Play-off, N.C Ache ve Gentlemen: I am somewhat perplexed over the division of the gate receipts on these district play-off tournaments. A little history or background of the situation would not be amiss. At our conference in Oklahoma City with Henry Iba, Ton Stidham and Bruce Drake, Iba. brought this very important point to the floor, Tha stated, and I mow it to be a fact, that he was invited to the Sport Writers Tournament in Madison Square Garden March 20-22. I believe that Frosty Cox has accepted, be- cause Utah State has been qualified for the tournament, and it is my understanding that Colorade won the Rocky Mountain Conference championships I received letters fran both Everett Morris and Ned Irish, as did the University of Texas, the Sixth District wimer, and others, inviting them to the tournament. It is my impression that these — people that stick by us in the N.C.A.A. play-off and go through with their as s should receive some considerations ‘Tha stated that he felt that in