Page Ze TII.e PUBLICITY MATERIAL. Tf the NeCeAeie Tournament is going to be tho success Ve that it should be, it will be bocause sviection committees in each district are making their selections oxpeditiously and because wo got into the public pross good publicity from each district. As tho race narrows down in cach district it might bo well for cach chairman to give to the press some idea as to what teams are boing considored for the final selection. Hach select: * committco should assume the dofinite responsibility of scoing that such matc; jal gots into tho papers just as soon as possible. In addition, if you can got anything which you fool may be of national intorest sond it to Dr. F. C. Allon or to myself and wo will soe that it is used. Now is tho timo to “bor: down" if we are to put this Tournamont across. ECONOMY IN PROCEDURE. I should like to emphasize again the neod for econory on the part of o11 committces. As you all know, the N.C.A.A. Tournament 1.5. year lost moncy. Wo aro anxious to not only pay our own way this yoar but, if possible, to erase the doficit from last season, That moans we should de everything that oan possibly be dono by lettor rather than tclophone or tour graph. Ploase understand, howevor, that if in the final rounding out of the situation in any district the use of tho telephone or tolograph is indicato<., by all moans use it. Wo dontt want to handicap procoduro by any “ponny wisc and pound foolish" administration. Ploaso koop me informed about any developments in your district, ospecially in Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4 Districts 5, 6, 7 and 8 should keep in vory close touch with Dr. F. C. Allon at Kansas, since ho is tho manager of both the Western playeoff and the final gamo and is a member of tho General Tourr' mont Committoo. CHANGES IN COMMITTEES, Please notc the following changes in our committoe scteup: on the Goncral Committece, James W. St. Clair, Southern Mothodist University, Dallas, Texas, replacos John Bumn, Stanford University, Stanfora Univorsity, Californias. In District 3, Curtis Parker, Contenary Colloge, Shreveport, La., will be roplaced as Chairman by Roy Mundorff, Goorgia School of Tochnology, Atlanta, Ga.e In District 8, C. S. Edmundson, Univorsi= of Washington, Seattle, Washington, replaces John Bunn, Stanford University, as Chairmane oo am He G Olsen Chairman, NeCeteoAe Bas: ketball Tournanont Cor » HGO sM nittoo