(2) Girls must be skilled in overcoming each obstacle before attempting the course as a wnole. (3) The course may be used for both conditioning and competition. (4) Competition may be against time, individual against individual, or group against group. (5) When jumping from a height, soft landing surfaces or pits should alweys ke provided. (6) peste jumping from a height the beginner should be started at approxi- toly 3 feet, (7) when skili in running the course is acquired each girl should practice carrying a pack weighing from 15 to 20 pounds to represent an infant or young child. This will give experience in a skill which ‘the disasters of war may place upon girls and women, i.e., carrying infants and young children to safety. Each girl should learn to carry the pack in her arms as an infant is carried and on her back as a small child might be carried, d.. Relay racing (Objectives 1, 2c, 4) Shuttle relay Jump stick rela: Duck waddle Hopping relay In and cut relay These can be adapted to indoor or cutdocr use in limited space and re- guire no equipment. Strength and endurance are ceveloped quickly through regular use, especially if there is a steady increase in the number of times each exercise is performed, Formation Open‘order, From closed order in a column of 3's or 4's. On the command, “ixtend to the left, MARCH," ail raise arms sideward and run to the left until there is at Least 12 inches between finger tips. The girls on the right flank stand in place. "COVER", (i.e., straighten lines from front to back) and lower arms to sides. This is cone of many way of opening order. , (Nete: The girls should use the same exercises us those described in he boys! list with the following exceptions: Substitute Exercise 5 clow for Exercise 5 in the Boys! list; and substitute Exercise 12 below or t b for Exercise 12 in the Boys! List.) wile