Exercise 2 Starting position: Attenticn. Counts 1-4: Walk forward on toes. Count 5: Drop to full knee bend, Counts 6-8: In deep knee bend position, spring in place 3 times. 4 to 8 times, ie Starting positicn: Arms raisec sideward to shoulder height and feet about 24 inches apart, 1; Bend and twist trunk to left, touching right hand to outside of left foot. Look up at left hand. Count 2: Return tc starting position. Count 3: Repeat 1 to the right. Count 4: Return to starting position, 16 to 24 times. Count, suggestion for teachers ae 9. Insist on gcod form, i.e., exactly as described, and with energy in each movement. Increase the number of times esch exercise is perfcrmed, and the capaci- ties of the individuals develop. Sustained effort withcut rest or pause between exercises must be main- tained. Each exercise must be thoroughly learned before going on to the next cone. When the drill is memorized, then all the exercises should be dene without stepping. The class must master "unit a" before progressing to "unit b" and like- wise "units a" and "b! before progressing toa "unit cl", To master "unit a" geans that the class is able to do better than the minimum set for each exercise before "unit b" is begun. Continue to in crease the number cf times in "unit a" as "unit bl! is added. The same procedure is to,be followed in adding "unit c". Demonstrate each exercise before asking the class to do it. Correct demonstraticn is more valuable than a lengthy explanation. Give commands clearly and concisely. The tone of voice can help materially in stimulating the class to action. Observe the class trom all angles, commenting cn the good performance, correcting the faulty one. Urge all to better performance. Encourage the improvement of performance by individual practice at home, ae