3. Apparatus Exercise on apraratus.is especially valuable in developing strength, agility p p ’ y and endurance. Extreme care should be taken in the construction, maintenance and use of apparatus to prevent accidents. Formation Keep the groups small to provide maximum participation. Arrange the class and the apparatus so0 that a. Those waiting their turns may see the performer. b. There is safe and easy access to and from the apparatus for the performer. Apparatus and activities Climbing ropes and poles Climbing - lL. Ordinary climbing Swinging - 1. Swing on 1 rope 2. Swing on 2 ropes vaulting for height over 2 rope stretched between jump standards. Horizontal bar (chinning bar) High bar (beyond reach) Ls Chin. Amy grip 2. Hang. - Raise knees Horse and buck-— 1. Straddie vault over buck 2. Side vault, left and rignt 3. Front vault, left. and right all bars- 1. From a hang, facing bars - chin 2. From a hang, back to bars (a) Knee raising {c) Leg raising 3. Sitting on the floor or on a bench, feet fixed, lowering and raising trunk (sit ups). Flying rings- 1. Hang and chin 2. swing 3. Swing and pull up at end of swing 4. Swing and turn at end of swing 5. Hang or swing - raise knees oie