position. then repeat to 6, kick, as fc stiowes (1-4, (5-8 8 counts (1-2 (See — seg b). rise (8 counts) and Repeat above fall (8 counts) on slide out and i, and 2 counts, alternating feet and legs touch floor with hands foot forward, sit and lie kick up and down (3~ step (4-8 rise to position (1-3 touch floor with hands (4-6 foot forward, sit and lie 6 counts (1-2 kick up and dewn (3- step (4-6 rise to positicn (1-2 touch fleor with hands h counts (3-4 foot forward, sit and lie (1-2 kick up and dewn (3-4 step and rise to position (1-2 touch floor with hands, fo.t forward, sit and lie 2 counts (1-2 kick up and down, step and rise to position Progressicn: Do exercise first at 8 counts speed only, then add gradually other speeds until the group can de a series twice through at each speed with no step. g, ‘Side fall and rise. (Objectives. 2, 1, 3, 4) (1) Sidefall 1. Class faces front in scattered fcrmaticn with at least 6 feet clear floor space cn side toward which fall is to be done. stride, weight even, f © ot arms Second keeping Left to flocr as the arms Little space is needed forward or baccward. Class stands arms at sides. First, swing weight onto right raising left leg diagonally backward left and swinging both diagonally upward right. This is a preparatory movement. foot cff flocr, bend right knee and lower body swe2p down in an are frem diagonally upward 2p right to diagonally dovmward left going through a point in front of rizght fcot and continuing ts side slide out on floor to left, as the out- of the left leg is lowered to the floor, The’left foot stays behind the right. The second part of the mevement is continuous with no break and at the left ed beyond the head, right hand important that thigh and leg to avcid bumping ecuted to left, body weight is the completion of the movement, the body is lying on flcur in an extended position, left arm stretch- on floor in front ef chest. It is the floor along the outside cf the lef the left knee. When the fall is ex- used to right as a brake to control side On tne the body strike ue