Ne See saw. (Objectives 1 and 3) The group is divided in couples scattered over the floor. The partners sit facing each other, hands jcined, left side to left side. The left knee is fully bent with the left foot on the flocr. The right leg is extended forward. Number cne rocks back giving a steady oressure upward with hands and arms te rock and lift 2 for- vard, 2 rises cn the left foot, with the right foct lifted off the flcor, trunk flexed fcrward anc head forward, right hip flexed close to body and knee and ankle slightiy flexed. Now 2 recks back to the floor, lifting 1.. In rising from the floor a strong pull of the abdominal muscles shold be used instead cf depending upen the pull of the vartner's arm. Timing: Use slow L/ ky time with 2 ccunts for each rock cr slow 6/8 time with one measure fcr each rock. The group may make new exercises cf their cwn in couples. Self testing activities Many of the activities given here teach girls to: a, Jump and fall without being hurt. b. Have a sense of positicn in space. c. Develop an ability to carry another withcut injury to self. a. Control the body in flight. Forward rell. From a stani, bend forward, bend knees, end place hands on mat. Duck head between legs, roll forward on back of neck and shoulders, grasp- ing the knees. Come to a stand. Backward roll. From a stand, lean forward, fail backward to a seat, roll backward placing hands on the mat over the shoulders, and at the same time drawing the knees tu the chest. Push cff with hands, and rell to a stand. Cartwheel. From 2 run, make a quarter turn left, placing right foct sideward, right arm upward, throw the weight on the right foot, placing the rizht hand on the mat. Raise the ieft leg, at the same time placing the left hand on the mat, arms and legs spread. Bring the left foot t5 the mat as the right hand is raised. Fullow through to a stand. Jump from heights. -18-