Use any available apparatus cr platform. Begin at 3 feet and gradually increase the height tc 6 feet. Break the fall by landing on the balls of the fect, and bending the knees. A landing pit or mats should be used. e. Elephant walk. Starting position: Partners face each cther; with number 2 in a stride position. Number 1 places her hands on number 2's shoulders, jumps and wr: .s her legs around number 2's legs high under number 1's arms. Number 1. lowers her body backward, places her hands and head between number 2's legs, and grasps number 2's enkles. Nunber 2 bends forward, places her hands on the mat ang walks forward. Keep arms straight. Number i locks her feet to keep from slipping. f, Double roll. Starting positicn: 1 lies on her back, legs raised upward, feet apart; > stands astride 1's head, and grasps i's ansles. 1 grasps 2's ankles (her arms between 2's legs). In this position 2 springs, tucks her head under, and does a forward roll, close to 1's bedy. As 2 rolls, she pulls 1 to standing position. 1 then does a forward roll, pulling 2 to a stand. Continue. Make the roll quick and powerful to bring partner to a stand. g. Tandem walk. Starting position: 1 stands close behind 2. 1 jumps on 2's back and locks her legs high under 2's arms. 2 bends forward placing her hands on the mat. 1 reaches over 2's head placing her hands on the mat in front of 2's hands. Both walk forward, 1 using hands and feet, 2 usin; hands. h. Rocking chair. Starting position: Partners sit facing each other, knees bent slightly 1's legs are on the outside of 2's, Sit on partner's feet and grasp pastner's shcuiders. 1 rocks back and pulls 2 up, at the same time keeping her cwn feet in contact with 2's body. 1 then rocks forward, while 2 rocks backward pulling 1 up. Continue rocking as high as possible. 1. Bicycling. Starting position: Lie on back with hands under the hips and legs raised upward. Imitate bicycling, stretching high on each push of the imaginary pedal. Continue as Long as possible. Sports and Games Sperts and games are an important part of the general conditioning program. They provide opportunity for strenuous big muscle activity and contribute to the development of speed and endurance. In addition to these obvicus values, sports 2 ah Fe